Zebra Misc

The Art at Goodwin House

by Robert F. Murray (rfm)  

When I go to the gallery walls at Goodwin House, 

I see us artists as birds of the same feather;

we eat the same seeds of creativity

and find in our hearts similar nests of recognition. 

No matter our ages, we sway in the same breezes

that flow from the Eastern to the Western hemispheres

and all around our world,

inside and outside of this caring place and home.  

When I speak with the resident artists

of their plans and their art programs there,

I can’t fail to see

how Art itself is so encouraging, so lasting,

when we are older, still,

young in our art. 

Apart and together, we artists

have our wings warmed

in the same sun’s rays,

reflecting Beauty, Nature


The Light of all our art and world.

In this present exhibition at Goodwin House, a show lasting through August 25, you will enjoy the whimsical and lyrical “Waterexpressions” exhibit developed and curated  by Alexandria resident, Robert F. Murray. Featured are the Chesapeake Bay, open-water sailing watercolors by Maury Neibour, the quiet emotions in the deeply-moving still life photography by James Mathias Sanders and the contemporary—modern iconic and humorous oils and the “Figure and the City” paintings by Yury Kokoyanin, originally from St. Petersburg, Russia.  There is also a small subtle oil by Ulyana Antyuchin who painted our cherry blossoms during a recent visit from Moscow.  This varied show is is Bob Murray’s baby of The von Brahler Ltd., at the invitation of Goodwin House’s Guardian Angel of the Arts, Pauline.

The guest artists are not to be outdone by some very accomplished artists now residing in this active, established Arlington retirement community.  Not only can the residents continue their own art forms but learn new techniques and crafts under Pauline’s art programs. All are invited to visit the shows at Goodwin House, 4800 Fillmore Ave., Alexandria (off Beauregard between King St./Rte 7 and Seminary Rd).

All the art is offered for purchase at modest prices. More info: Bob Murray, 703.798.8686 or [email protected].









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