Community News

Business License Renewal Applications and Payments due March 2

The City of Alexandria reminds all business owners that 2015 Business License Tax Renewal Applications and payments are due March 2. Payment in full must be received or postmarked by March 2 to avoid late payment penalties and interest.
The Finance Department urges Alexandria businesses to submit their renewal applications and pay their business license taxes by mail or online to avoid waiting in line. Applications and payments (by check or money order) may be mailed to City of Alexandria Business License, P.O. Box 34850, Alexandria, VA 22334-0850. The taxpayer should write the account number in the memo field of the check or money order to ensure that the payment is credited correctly. Business license taxes may also be paid via electronic check (eCheck) or credit/debit card online. Information on these and other payment methods can be found at
Paying online does not change the filing requirements for the annual business license renewal application, which must be received or postmarked by the due date. The business license renewal application may not be filed electronically at this time.
Late payment penalties and interest will be assessed on all business license tax accounts for which payment is not received or postmarked by the due date. The late payment penalty is 10 percent of the tax due or $10, whichever is greater. Interest accrues at an annual rate of 10 percent for the first year and five percent for each year thereafter.
Any business that did not receive a business license renewal application in the mail should contact the City by email at [email protected], by phone at 703.746.3903, or download a renewal application at Businesses that have ceased doing business (or that have had a change of address and have not previously reported this information) should contact the City.


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