Community News

Spring Clean-Up Schedule

Residents that receive City refuse collection services are eligible to receive Spring Clean-Up on a Saturday in March or April. Residents are encouraged to clear out household clutter and place unwanted bulky trash and metal items at the curb on your neighborhood collection date. The City is divided into four collection areas and each area is assigned a specific Saturday. Metals and electronics should be separated from other collection items, as they will be picked up during a separate collection. To view a map of your neighborhood collection date visit:

Area 1 – Saturday, April 18
Area 2 – Saturday, April 25
Area 3 – Saturday, May 2
Area 4 – Saturday, May 9
Mulch Delivery – Place Orders Starting March 9
Starting Monday, March 9, orders can be placed for delivery of mulch throughout April and May. Delivery dates and times are limited, and appointments are on a first come first served basis. Remember, mulch is free to residents and available for pick up 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Mon. through Sat., 4215 Eisenhower Ave. There is a $50 delivery charge for either a half truck load (3 CY) or a full load (6 CY). For more information visit:
Yard Waste Collection
Just a reminder that yard waste is collected separately from your trash and recycling. Yard waste typically includes sticks, twigs, grass, leaves, and dead plants, which should be placed in a reusable, hard-sided container or paper yard waste bags and placed at your regular collection point. ‘Yard Waste Only’ decals are available upon request through the website listed below. Yard waste is either composted or mulched to make a natural alternative to chemical fertilizer. For more information visit:
City-wide Street Sweeping & Spring Cleaning Begins March 23
Each year at the beginning of spring, crews from the Resource Recovery Division increase efforts to clean city streets, helping to keep our neighborhoods and commercial corridors clean and protect our waterways. Litter, debris, and leftover grit from winter road maintenance can clog storm sewers and pollute our lakes and rivers. This year’s clean-up effort begins Monday, March 23 and will take approximately 12 weeks to complete at least one pass of cleaning the City’s 560 lane miles of streets. Some streets receive multiple sweepings. By the end of this year’s street sweeping, 840 lane miles will have been swept. Residents may see “No Parking” signs in some neighborhoods, especially along commercial corridors. Cleaning in this area will take place at night from 10:00 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. However, due to parked cars, some curbs are not accessible to motorized sweepers. Residents can help by cleaning the curb in front of their home and ensuring that nearby storm drains are not blocked. Street sweeping debris can be thrown away as regular trash. Residents can also request street cleaning on their block by using Call.Click.Connect or by calling 703.746.4357 (HELP).
Composting & Food Waste
Spring is the perfect time to start composting. Are you planning now to clean up your front or back yard? Remember, when you’re raking old leaves out from underneath bushes and flower beds, make sure to save and reuse these items, because they can be mixed with grass clippings to make compost. To compost food waste, perhaps give trench composting a try, it requires nothing more than a shovel and some yard space. Dig a hole approximately ten to twelve inches deep, add roughly four to six inches of food waste and bury it with the soil you dug out of the trench. The food waste breaks down quickly and the earth worms love it! To learn more about composting visit:


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