Community News

Arlington Ranks #7 on National ‘Most Hipster’ List

Arlington has come in #7 among the “Most Hipster Cities” (we know, it’s a county) in the nation, according to What constitutes a hip city? says it has to do with four things: age, education, yoga studios and cafes.

“We first decided to only look at cities with over 50,000 people that also had a high population of people between the ages of 20 and 34. Then we looked at the cities with a fairly educated population (a high percentage of residents with at least a Bachelor’s Degree), many cafes and yoga studios. We calculated a composite score for each city by multiplying the number of yoga studios per 10K people with cafes per 10K people, and used this final number to rank the cities.”

Here are the top 10 Hippest Cities in America, according to
Hoboken, N.J
Ames, Iowa
Boulder, Colo.
Cambridge, Mass.
College Station, Texas
Somerville, Mass.
Arlington, Va.
Auburn, Ala.
Santa Monica, Calif.
Davis, Calif.


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