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Historic Buildings Get Funding in Alexandria

The Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum. Courtesy photo.
The Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum. Courtesy photo.

The Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum was recently awarded $3,220 from the non-profit Historic Alexandria Foundation to replicate the decorative ceiling medallion at the 18th-century drug emporium that has been missing for many years. Replication of the medallion will be executed using pieces from the original plaster casting and from historic photographs in the museum’s collection dating from the early 20th century. Replacement of the medallion will enhance the recent interior restoration of the apothecary that now interprets the 1904 period, a time when the U.S. Food and Drug Act was passed that regulated consumable medicines and food products for the first time. This is the second award to the museum in as many years; last year the foundation provided resources to replicate the historic glass show globes in the front windows

Two other institutions were also awarded funding this year. The Athenaeum at 201 Prince Street received funding for restoration of exterior stucco finishes and the Lee-Fendall House at 614 Oronoco Street was awarded funding to restore a deteriorated porch.


Athenaeum at 201 Prince Street. Courtesy photo.
Athenaeum at 201 Prince Street. Courtesy photo.
The Lee-Fendall House at 614 Oronoco. Courtesy photo.
The Lee-Fendall House at 614 Oronoco. Courtesy photo.


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