Zebra Misc

 It Takes a Village – or Several Villages

By Rosemary Murray

The White Elephant Sale is always popular--get there early and donate too! Courtesy photo.
The White Elephant Sale is always popular–get there early and donate too! Courtesy photo.

Non-profit organizations throughout the metropolitan area serve all kinds of needs, but they can’t do it alone.  To the rescue – Alexandria’s Good Shepherd Church is holding its 40th annual International Festival Labor Day weekend and all the proceeds will be given in the form of grants to various charities to help.  To date over $500,000 has been awarded to charities such as Hopkin’s House, Alice’s Kids, United Community Ministries and The Centerville Immigration Center.

On Saturday, September 5th, the festival will start with a 5K race and a White Elephant sale covering about 5,000 square feet in a lovely air conditioned hall. Donations of slightly used items including linens, china, kitchenware, holiday decorations, jewelry, watches, decorative pillows, tools and much, much more, are accepted at the church (8710 Mt. Vernon Highway) from August 15 until September 4th.  Of course, a receipt for tax purposes is available. While entrance to the sale is free from 9:30 am until 4 pm, early birds are welcome at 8:30 am for a $10 fee.  This is a greatly popular event to shop, socialize and help support some excellent charities.

On Monday, Labor Day, the festival is all about fun with great ethnic foods, entertainment, games for the kids and bingo in an air conditioned environment. So, mark your calendars to enjoy a fun-filled weekend while helping others and start sorting through all those items you’ve meant to clean out.

Questions?  Call 703 660-1010.


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