School News

Meet the Interim Assistant Principal at George Mason

Kathy Bruce has come out of retirement to help leadership at George Mason.
Kathy Bruce has come out of retirement to help leadership at George Mason.

Kathy Bruce will serve as Interim Assistant Principal at George Mason for the remainder of this school year. Bruce was a principal in Fairfax County Public Schools for 13 years before retiring and joining the George Mason team part time as a movement specialist. Prior to that, she was an assistant principal in Fairfax. Bruce will fill the opening created when Dr. Seazante Oliver was named Interim Principal at Cora Kelly School for Math, Science and Technology in early October.

“We are excited to have Ms. Bruce join the administration team at George Mason Elementary. She brings a wealth of experience as well as commitment to our students and their families. We are lucky to have her,” said George Mason Principal Brian Orrenmaa.

Bruce was born in California and moved to Fairfax County at the end of elementary school. She is a graduate of Robinson Secondary, and her experience coaching field hockey sparked an interest to pursue teaching as a career.

After graduating with a Bachelor in Science in Health and Physical Education from George Mason University, she went on to teach PE position at four elementary schools. She then went on to gain a master’s degree in Special Education at George Mason University. After enrolling in the George Mason Educational Leadership training program, she moved into leadership positions in Fairfax.

“When Mr. O approached me with the opportunity to serve as the interim assistant principal, I was just thrilled.  I have loved the past month while serving as a Movement Specialist at George Mason, and I have quickly discovered that George Mason is a gem of a school.  I look forward to serving in this new capacity and continuing to support our dedicated staff, our great students and parents, and to put down roots in this wonderful community,” said Bruce.

Bruce started in her new role this week.


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