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Alexandria Symphony Orchestra Announces Progress in Music Director Search

Search Committee on Track to Select Final Candidates


The Alexandria Symphony Orchestra (ASO) announces significant progress has been made in the selection of its new ASO Music Director and Conductor.

The Music Director Search Committee members have been working diligently since the initial August 1, 2016, application deadline to review, in depth, the complete applications and videos from each of the 170 candidates from around the world who applied.  Formed in the spring of 2016, the inclusive Search Committee consists of Alexandria citizens, ASO musicians, and members of the orchestra’s Board of Trustees.  

“This number of candidates is an extraordinary compliment to the professional reputation of the Alexandria Symphony, as well as to the cultural and educational attraction of the Alexandria community,” said Ronal Butler, President of the ASO Board of Trustees.

The Music Director Search process is following the suggested guidelines established by the League of American Orchestras.   These include a four-phase evaluation process, extensive due diligence on the top candidates and one-on-one interviews with the finalists.   Musicianship, community engagement, and “the right fit for Alexandria” are the key evaluation criteria established by the Search Committee.

By early 2017, the Search Committee will have selected the top candidates and initiate a series of one-on-one candidate interviews.   The ASO’s 2017-2018 Season will feature performances conducted by the three final candidates; the ASO will engage its audience, musicians, and Alexandria community through special events and targeted surveys to further evaluate the finalists.  By the spring of 2018, following the 2017-2018 performances and evaluations, the ASO will announce the new Music Director, who will lead the Alexandria Symphony Orchestra in its 2018-2019 75th Anniversary year and associated celebrations.

Former ASO Music Director and Maestro Emeritus Kim Allen Kluge resigned in June 2016, following a 28-year tenure with the ASO.  Maestro Kluge is pursuing composition and other artistic- related endeavors full-time at his home in southern California.

For its 2016-2017 Season, the ASO features a blockbuster year of Masterworks from some of the region’s most talented and experienced guest conductors.  The ASO’s next performances on February 11 and 12 feature an all-Mozart program, including the Jupiter Symphony and Piano Concerto No. 20 with Thomas Pandolfi, led by Michael Rossi as guest conductor.

The fully-professional Alexandria Symphony Orchestra performs at both the Rachel M. Schlesinger Concert Hall and Arts Center and the George Washington Masonic Memorial. Ticket prices: $20- $80 adult, $5 youth, and $10 student with military, senior and group discounts available. To order tickets and for more information, visit or call (703) 548-0885.



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