School News

Model UN Wins Best Delegation at Weekend Competition

Seniors: Maddie Ayalew, Conrad Lakso and Sam Paparo; Juniors: Mavourneen Carr, Sean Gibbons, Brady Hoagland, Maddy McDade, Julianne Miranda and Peter Murphy; Sophomore: Patrick Riley

Bishop Ireton’s Model UN Program enjoyed another hugely successful weekend by winning best overall delegation at the Virginia Governor’s School for Government and International Studies’ annual MUN Conference. This was the sixth year in a row Bishop Ireton’s MUN team received the honor, this year by besting 450 delegates from 28 schools from around Virginia and North Carolina.

Bishop Ireton students served on 10 out of 20 country simulations and also had an extraordinary opportunity to hear from two keynote speakers, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Nobel Peace Prize recipient Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei who spoke to the student delegates about current world events.
Those BI student delegates who contributed to our “Outstanding Small / Large Delegation” Award were:
Seniors:  Maddie Ayalew, Conrad Lakso and Sam Paparo
Juniors:  Mavourneen Carr, Sean Gibbons, Brady Hoagland, Maddy McDade, Julianne Miranda and Peter Murphy
Sophomore:  Patrick Riley
Of the ten committees that Bishop Ireton was represented on, student delegates earned Gavel (1st Place) awards on five and earned an Outstanding (2nd Place) award as well as an Honorable Mention Award (3rd Place) on other committee simulations. Those student delegates, and their respective positions, who earned individual recognition for their efforts were:
Gavel (1st Place):
Maddy Ayalew; Croatia; Organization-Political Council; Parliament of Yugoslavia
Sean Gibbons; Head of Foreign Affairs; Quad Crisis – Dem. Rep. of Congo
Braden Hoagland; Peng Dehuai; Joint Crisis Committee – Communists
Maddy McDade; Li Zongren; Joint Crisis Committee – Nationalists
Peter Murphy; Jordan; Islamic Military Alliance
Outstanding (2nd Place):
 Julianne Miranda; Brazil; Intl. Olympic Committee
Honorable Mention (3rd Place):
Sam Paparo; Minister of Defense; Quad Crisis – Rwanda
The next conference will take place on this Saturday, April 1 at St. Joseph’s High School in Baltimore.



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