Events Calendar


ALEXANDRIA,VA–Learn about the clothing and equipment used by Union soldiers during the Civil War in “Kepi to Cartridge Box: Outfitting Billy Yank,” at Fort Ward Museum on Saturday, February 24, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.  The program is free.

Why were Civil War uniforms made of wool?  How did foreign military styles influence Civil War uniforms and clothing accessories?  How did the typical Union soldier equip himself for duty?  Civil War interpreters will present on-going talks about various types of military clothing, accessories, and equipment for the Union soldier, using hands-on reproduction items and explaining original objects and uniform jackets on view in Museum exhibits.  Examples of period items on exhibit are jackets worn by an artilleryman, cavalryman and infantryman, a body armor vest, headgear, and a variety of related equipment such as a cartridge box, knapsack, haversack, and canteen.

Fort Ward is the best preserved of the Union forts that comprised the Civil War Defenses of Washington.  The Museum offers exhibits, programs and special events throughout the year.  Fort Ward is located at 4301 West Braddock Road in the west end of the City of Alexandria.  For more information, please call Fort Ward Museum at 703.746.4848, or visit


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