Alexandria High School Students Declare Tuesday, Feb 27 A Day Against Gun Violence

Over 10 Local High Schools Join #WeAreAllEagles Solidarity Movement
Students to Wear Colors of the Florida High School Where Fatal Shooting Occurred
ALEXANDRIA,VA — After the tragic mass shooting last week at Stoneman-Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, Jay Falk and Hannah Miller, students at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia, decided to create an initiative to honor the victims and demand change.
Falk and Miller created a #WeAreAllEagles event, in reference to Stoneman-Douglas’s mascot, the eagle. On Tuesday, February 27, students at T.C. Williams will wear the colors of Stoneman-Douglas, black, maroon, and gold, and wear orange ribbons to stand in solidarity with the victims and to call for common-sense gun reform.
Falk and Miller also arranged locations at T.C. from February 21 to 27, where students could sign a banner to send to Stoneman-Douglas High School.
After they got overwhelming support in Alexandria, Falk and Miller spread the initiative to schools around the DC area, contacting students at other schools and asking them to join the #WeAreAllEagles initiative.
Falk and Miller have spread the initiative to more than ten schools in the DC metro area, aided by students Barrett Fife (Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School), Ewan Thompson (T.C. Williams High School), Helen Sweeney (St. Stephen’s & St. Agnes School), James Hurley (St. Stephen’s & St. Agnes School), Kate Castle (Episcopal High School), Olivia Morton (Episcopal High School), Claire Wagner (The Howard Gardner School), Laura Kirk (West Springfield High School), Ella Wogaman (West Springfield High School), Miranda Tonsetic (George Washington Middle School), Maya Parker (Thomas Jefferson High School), Alex Bve (Walter Johnson High School), and Michael Nevett (Walter Johnson High School).
Falk and Miller say, “There needs to be change. Congress is going to hear the power of thousands of students standing up for their own lives. Legislators will either hear us or no longer represent us. First we will honor the victims, then we will march on DC, and then we will take back every state house in the nation.”