Community News

ParkMobile Captures Alexandria’s Metered Spaces

Payment for parking may also be made by coin or credit card at pay stations or meters, or by calling a toll-free number.

As of September 1, Alexandria has switched to the BMW-owned ParkMobile app for customers to pay by phone for metered parking. The same system is used in the District of Columbia, Arlington County, Montgomery County, and Prince George’s County.

After downloading the free app and creating an account one time, customers can quickly use the app each time they park by choosing the zone number printed on parking signs and pay stations. The app will also show the zone numbers on a map, and will suggest the closest zones for easy selection.

Customers can choose the amount of time to purchase, up to the posted time limit for the parking location. If a customer removes the vehicle before the selected amount of time expired, the parking session may be stopped early and only the time used will be charged. This feature is currently only available for ParkMobile users in Alexandria and Montgomery County.

Customers using ParkMobile will pay the same parking fee of $1.75 per hour as is charged at pay stations and meters that accept credit cards, plus a convenience fee of 45 cents. The City does not pay ParkMobile for the system or receive any portion of the convenience fee.

For more information about parking in Alexandria, and to download the free ParkMobile app for iOs or Android, visit

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