
Want to Work at an Alexandria Museum Giving Tours to Kids?

Family outing to the Apothecary Museum in Alexandria. Photo by R. Nowitz for Visit Alexandria

Office of Historic Alexandria Recruiting Volunteers for School Programs

Opportunities at Four Museums

The Office of Historic Alexandria is recruiting volunteers to lead school programs at Alexandria Archaeology Museum, Alexandria’s History Museum at the Lyceum, Gadsby’s Tavern Museum, and the Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum. Volunteers should be available weekdays between 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. and enjoy working with elementary-aged children. No previous teaching experience is necessary. To apply, please email [email protected] or call 703.746.4242.

Team training takes place Thursday, September 13, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. School programs generally occur mornings late September through November and March through May. The schedule for volunteers is flexible and based on personal availability.

School programs are an essential part of Historic Alexandria’s offerings. Hundreds of children visit every year to see in person what they are studying in class and make local connections to national themes.

The Office of Historic Alexandria enhances the quality of life for City residents and visitors by preserving and interpreting Alexandria’s historic properties, archaeological sites, cultural resources, artifact collections, objects, archives, records, and personal stories, and by encouraging audiences to appreciate Alexandria’s diverse historic heritage and its place within the broader context of American history. For more information about the Office of Historic Alexandria, it’s museums, and upcoming events, visit


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