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Inaugural Relay for Pre-K raises $43,000 for The Child & Family Network Centers

The Child & Family Network Centers (CFNC) held its first annual Relay for Pre-K at St. Stephen’s & St Agnes School on September 23. Over 100 people came out to support free pre-k in Alexandria. Together, participants raised over $43,000 to support The Child & Family Network Centers’ free preschool program for at-risk children in the City of Alexandria. Lifetime TV’s Super Nanny, Dr. Deborah Tillman, kicked off the walk and also presented a check to CFNC on behalf of a former CFNC student and parent.

“I couldn’t be more excited to bring Relay for Pre-K to the Alexandria community,” said Executive Director, Lisa Carter. “It is because of the hundreds of participants and dedication of our community sponsors that we are able to give 138 children the early education they need. It truly does a take a village. Our village came together on Saturday for an inspiring inaugural event.”

CFNC provides early education for children in Alexandria living at or below 250% of the poverty ($61,500 for a family of four) line. On average, CFNC families make $27,000 for a family of four and make just too much to qualify for programs like Head Start, but not nearly enough to afford private preschool. All proceeds from the Relay will offset the yearly cost of $12,000 not covered by other funding sources to educate one child.

About CFNC

The Child & Family Network Centers (CFNC) provides free preschool education for 138 children and families living at or below 250% of the poverty line, who earn too much to qualify for Head Start but not enough to afford their children with a private preschool education. Providing a unique blend of preschool education and family support services including free health services, in-home visits and counseling, CFNC currently operates eight classrooms in apartment complexes, recreational centers and other locations throughout Alexandria where these families live. Learn more at cfnc-online.org.


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