Bishop Ireton Students Earn Outstanding Academic Achievements

One National Merit Semifinalist and 81 AP Scholars
Timothy App is National Merit Semi- Finalist
Bishop Ireton High School announced the outstanding academic achievements of its top students. The school recognized 81 Advanced Placement Scholars and a Semifinalist for the National Merit Scholarship.
Mrs. Denise Tobin, Principal, and Dr. Thomas Curry, Head of School, announced Timothy App is a Semifinalist in the 64rd National Merit Scholarship Program. Approximately 16,000 students nationwide have been named semifinalists, and they will compete for 7,500 National Merit Scholarships worth more than $32 million that will be offered next spring. The nationwide pool of Semifinalists, representing less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors, includes the highest-scoring entrants in each state.
AP Scholars
Also recognized were 81 Advanced Placement (AP) Scholars by the College Board in recognition of their exceptional achievement on the college-level Advanced Placement (AP) Program exams taken in May of 2018. Last year Bishop Ireton had 240 students take 496 Advanced Placement exams in 22 subject areas.
The College Board recognizes several levels of achievement based on a students’ performance on the AP exams.
National AP Scholar (2): Granted to students who receive an average of at least 4 on all AP exams taken, and scores of 4 or higher on eight or more of these exams.
Class of 2018: Braden Hoagland and Christopher Nguyen
AP Scholar with Distinction (35): Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams.
Class of 2018: Gabrielle Baniqued, Vivian Barker, Alexander Budzynski, Mavourneen Carr, Elizabeth Carter, Sarah Chopko, Thomas Coleman, Catriona Corallo, Isabella Diaz, John Dyke, Adelle Else, Aida Farrah, Rory Fedorochko, Nicholas Gavino, Sean Gibbons, Emily Graham, Ryan Hartwell, Braden Hoagland, Alice Innis, Francesca Littleton, Madeleine McDade, Riley McHale, Kevin McNerny, Julianne Miranda, Christopher Nguyen, Natalie Nguyen, William Olson, Sheeba Prince, Emily Roddy, Constance Scalia, Dante Viana
Class of 2019: AnneMarie Caballero, Andrew Holland, Claudia Klinck, Patrick Riley
AP Scholar with Honor (8): Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams.
Classs of 2018: Matthew Cheney, Samantha Earp, Jeanette Lundberg, Grace McCaffery, Peter Murphy
Class of 2019: Timothy App, John Eastman, Isabella Marra
AP Scholar (36): Granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP exams.
Class of 2018: Andrea Alvarado, Margaret Doolin, Lydia Ephrem, Katherine Fuller, Grace Gordon, Joseph Hanson, Anna Johnson, Sarah Jonuzaj, Mikayla Lazar, Samuel Matlock, Reganne Milano, Laura Mueller, Jared Ponmakha, Aidan Scannell, Matthew Schultz, Marco Sequeira, Benjamin Siedlarz, Margaret Virostek, Sabrina Zakhem
Class of 2019: Devyn Arora, William Bartol, Isabella Carucci, Kathryn Cheney, Phong Van Dong, Teresa Esquivel, David Fleming, Corinne Gorski, Elijah Hensley, John Markle, Monica McNicol, Alexander Mitchell, Maria Olson, Warren Payne, Isabella Prigge, Elizabeth Riccio, Marcus Thliveris