November 6 Election Day Checklist for City of Alexandria Voters
On Tuesday, November 6, there will be a statewide General Election in Virginia. Polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Here are six ways Alexandria voters can prepare for Election Day. 1. Consider Absentee VotingDon’t let a long commute, business trip, vacation, disability or illness put your right to vote at risk. Your absentee ballot will be counted after polls close on Election Day and included in the results reported that night. The deadline to vote in-person absentee is Saturday, November 3, at 5 p.m. There will be two absentee voting locations open in Alexandria from Thursday, November 1, to Saturday. Office of Voter Registration & Elections, 132 North Royal Street, Suite 100:
Beatley Library, 5005 Duke Street:
2. Find Your Polling PlaceOn Election Day, you must vote at your designated polling place, so please confirm its location (and your registration) at before you go. You may also call the Voter Registration Office at 703.746.4050 or view the City’s current precinct map. 3. Know What’s on Your BallotBefore Election Day, review the sample ballot for your precinct at to help you make informed choices at the voting booth. In Alexandria, the November 6 ballot includes:
If you are not sure which School Board District you live in, view the list of Precincts and Voting Districts. Also, be aware that political party identification does not appear on the ballot for local offices (for example, Mayor and City Council). 4. Bring Your Valid Photo ID![]() Virginia voters must show photo identification (ID) when voting in person. Examples of acceptable ID include a Virginia Driver’s License, U.S. Passport, Military ID, employee photo ID or student photo ID. You can review the complete list of acceptable identification at the Virginia Department of Elections website.
5. Don’t Be LateIf you are planning to vote late in the day or after work, please remember that you must be in line at your polling place by 7 p.m. or you will not be able to vote.
6. View the Unofficial ResultsAfter the polls close on Election Night, Alexandria election officials will begin posting unofficial results on the Virginia Department of Elections website. These results will show the total number of votes cast for each candidate and questions listed on the ballot. During the weeks following the election, state and local Electoral Boards will canvass the results, make any necessary adjustments, and certify the official results. For more information, contact Anna Leider, General Registrar, at [email protected] or 703.746.4050. |