Go Fund Me Page Started to Collect Donations for New Alexandria Park at Bellefonte and Route 1

City of Alexandria Will Match Every Contribution Dollar for Dollar
ALEXANDRIA, VA–Members of the community, advised by the City of Alexandria Beautification Commission, are committing to convert a grassy, vacant lot into a passive park that provides a natural oasis for people and wildlife, assists in pollution absorption, and beautifies the Route 1 corridor.
Del Ray Citizens Association Donates $12,500
To help fund a new grove of 14 trees and native plant meadows, the Del Ray Citizens Association has donated $12,500 of the $22,500 needed to receive the City of Alexandria’s recently awarded Community Matching Fund grant.
City Matching Funds and How You Can Help
Cash donations are being solicited to meet the remaining $10,000 goal. Every dollar contributed will be matched dollar for dollar by the City.
To be a part of this truly green park in Alexandria, visit the Go Fund Me Page to donate.
Naming Kettle Park
The community gave suggestions on possible park names and voted for their favorite in September 2018. The popular choice was Kettle Park, a nod to the oral history recalling early Alexandrians gathering around a cooking kettle over an open fire for soups and stews in the area’s open fields. Both the Del Ray Citizens Association and the Alexandria Beautification Commission currently support the name choice, but for an official designation, it will require a City Council approval.