New “No Turn on Red” Signs Installed
Crash data was analyzed for 2011-2016 during the Vision Zero Action Plan process, and data showed that during this time, 445 people walking were involved in crashes with one in seven of those crashes resulting in death or serious injury to the person. Turning-movement crashes were found to be among the most common crash types in Alexandria.
The new signs will be installed at these locations:
King Street right turn onto Henry Street
Gibbon Street turn onto Route 1 (S. Patrick Street)
King Street turn onto Patrick Street
Mill Road turn onto Eisenhower Avenue
N Jordan Street turn onto Duke Street
N Patrick Street onto King Street
N Pickett Street turn onto Duke Street
Prince Street turn onto S Henry Street
Prince Street turn onto S Patrick Street
Reading Avenue turn onto N Beauregard Street
S Jordan Street turn onto Duke Street
S Quaker Lane turn onto Duke Street
S Walker Street turn onto Duke Street
Park Center Drive onto King Street
S 28th Street turn onto King Street
Southern Towers turn onto Seminary Road
Cambridge Road turn onto Duke Street
Roth Street turn onto Duke Street
Metro Road turn onto Eisenhower Ave
Route 1 (Jefferson Davis Highway) turn onto Slaters Lane
Cameron Station Boulevard turn onto Duke Street
Gibbon Street turn onto S Washington Street
King Street turn onto N Washington Street
Queen Street turn onto N Henry Street
S Peyton Street turn onto King Street
Edsall Road turn onto Whiting Street
N Quaker Lane turn onto Fern Street
Whiting Street turn onto Edsall Road
The signs will be going up over the coming months. During implementation, stay alert to potential new traffic patterns across the city. For more information on Vision Zero, please visit