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Local Merchants Rally in Fundraiser for Alexandria Artist’s Granddaughter

Todd and Laraine Healy. Photo by Mary Wadland

By Mary Wadland

When the women at Sara Campbell, a Prince Street boutique filled with chic dresses and playful sportswear, learned their shop neighbor, Alexandra artist Todd Healy had a major health issue in his family, they wanted to help.

“There wasn’t any question we wanted to do something,” said Sara Campbell Regional Manager Martha Hurley.” She expanded, “It’s one of the things that makes Alexandria special. When one of is in trouble, we’re all in trouble. We have to come together.”

Other merchants quickly hopped on board donating prizes and gifts for a raffle on November 28th.

Sara Campbell’s Old Town store is a friendly showcase for the USA-made classic clothing. Photo courtesy of Sara Campbell

June Bug

It began with a phone call. Todd and his wife Laraine, married 45 years, learned their only child, Lauren, was having a child. Like all new exuberant grandparents, they spread the word and Laraine started knitting sweaters, hats and booties. In June 2017, a beautiful and healthy brown-haired baby came into the world with an eager cry and the knowing cornflower eyes of an old soul.

June “June Bug” Carter Flora, a bouncing beacon of joy and light, was quickly outpacing her peers when suddenly this past summer, she hit a roadblock. Slammed with a diagnosis of leukemia, the baby and her family have suddenly been thrust into the medical quagmire of chemotherapy and painful treatments coupled with new financial challenges.

Lauren and June Healy-Flora. Courtesy photo.

The good news is that modern medicine is a miracle and if the intensive program works, baby June will struggle for a long time but can recover and have a prosperous future. The rough news is that it is extremely costly.

June’s parents, Lauren and Jeremy Flora own a vintage clothing called Blue Bones in Richmond. A native Alexandrian, Lauren Healy-Flora, is a graduate of St. Mary’s, Bishop Ireton and VCU, where she earned a degree in fashion design. Parents Todd and Laraine own and operate Gallery Lafayette in Old Town.

On November 28th, the Sara Campbell boutique donated 15% of all its sales that day directly to the Healy-Flora family for baby June’s medical fund, and the winners of the raffle were drawn. Prizes include artwork, dinners for two, gift cards and much more.

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