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11-year old from Alexandria Starts GoFundMe Page for Coast Guard Families to Help Buy Groceries, Gas and Pay Bills

11-year old Aubrey Holland starts ANCHORED IN LOVE – UNITED WE STAND GOFUNDME page for Coast Guard families during Federal Shutdown (Photo: Erron Marie)

ALEXANDRIA, VA — 11-year old Aubrey Holland knows what it’s like to be a military kid. Her dad is in the Navy. Money is tight, and payday is important.

When she heard that that 42,000 Coast Guard families did not get paid on January 15, 2019, it hit her in a personal place. As she writes on her recently launched GoFundMe page, “I can’t imagine my dad not being paid.”

She told her mom, Erron, she wanted to help raise money so she could give the families gift cards for groceries or gas or to help with the rent. Her goal is modest. She wants to raise $5,000 and she wants to start donating in her own backyard.

Alexandria’s Coast Guard Connection

Alexandria is home to one of the Coast Guard’s premier divisions. According to its webpage, Navigation Center, Coast Guard Base at 7323 Telegraph Road in Alexandria provides the most advanced techniques and technologies when it comes to navigational systems. It supports all the missions conducted by the US Coast Guard and it is the most advanced center of its kind in all the military forces in the United States of America.

Alexandria’s Navigation Center is well known among the authorities for its informational services, not to mention the maritime navigational systems. (Photo: United States Coast Guard)

Oddly enough the people protecting our border are not getting paid during the government shutdown which centers around the contentious issue of border patrol.

As Aubrey wrote, “They work every day and are part of the United States military. All other military branches are getting paid. These Coast Guard families are facing financial problems, and this is our turn to STEP UP. Our military is who keeps us safe from harm, and without them we wouldn’t be the United States of America.”

Aubrey’s birthday is January 24, 2019 and all she wants for her birthday is for her campaign to go viral. She does not want to become famous. She wants to help more families. As her mom wrote on her Facebook page, in awe of her own child’s generosity, “tears rolled down my cheeks.”

How to Donate

Sources confirm Coast Guard affiliation is checked and verified. As of this writing, Aubrey has raised $1,185 of her $5,000 goal. Click the link below if you want to contribute.


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