Community News

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Alexandria, VA – Did you ever wonder how you could get your voice heard in decisions made by the Alexandria City Council? Join one of the boards, commissions, and committees that provide input to the Council. Look at the list that follows to find the right opening that fits for you. And, if you’re not selected this time, apply again.

The Alexandria City Council is lapplicants to fill the following vacancies on City of Alexandria boards, commissions, and committees. Council will act on these vacancies at the April 9, 2019 City Council meeting. All applicants must complete a Personal Data Record Form electronically via the City’s website at no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 2, 2019.  Applications received after this deadline will not be forwarded to City Council.  Applicants may only submit an application to one committee at a time. 

Alcohol Safety Action Program Policy Board – one vacancy for a Substance abuse treatment center representative, due to an expired term.  The Board meets at the call of the Chair.

Alexandria Gang Prevention Community Task Force – one vacancy for a parent representative, due to an expired term.  The Task Force meets quarterly during the weekday evening.  Approximately two hours per meeting are required of Task Force members.

Alexandria Housing Affordability Advisory Committee – four vacancies: one vacancy for a person designated by, but who need not be a member of the Commission on Persons with Disabilities, due to an expired term; one vacancy for a financial professional with knowledge and experience in the field of finance, due to an expiring term; and one vacancy for a representative of the City’s small business community, including the retail, restaurant, or hospitality sectors, due to a resignation; and   one vacancy for a planning and zoning department representative, due to an expired term. The Committee meets on the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m.  Approximately four to five hours per month are required of Committee members.

Alexandria Transportation Commission – two vacancies: one vacancy for a member from the Planning Commission, nominated by the Commission, due to an expired term; and one member from the Alexandria Transit Company Board of Directors, nominated by the Board, due to an expiring term.  The Commission meets at 7:00 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month.  Approximately two hours per month are required of Commission members.

Archaeological Commission – two vacancies: one vacancy for a member of the Alexandria Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors; and one vacancy for a member from the Alexandria Society for the Preservation of Black Heritage, due to an expired term.  The Commission meets at 7:00 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month.  Approximately four to five hours per month are required of Commission members.

Beauregard Design Advisory Committee – onevacancy for a professional member skilled in architecture, planning, landscape architecture and/or urban design, due to a resignation. The Committee meets on the third Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m.  Approximately four hours per month are required of Committee members.

Beautification Commission – three vacancies: two citizen members, both due to expired terms and one vacancy for a member who shall have expertise in the field of architecture or urban planning, or be a historian with architectural knowledge, due to an administrative action (ordinance change). The Commission meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m.  Approximately eight hours per month are required of Commission members.

Board of Zoning Appeals – one vacancy for a citizen member, due to a resignation.  The Board meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Approximately five hours per month are required of Board members.

Building Code Board of Appeals – two vacancies: one vacancy for a citizen member, due to an administrative action (term limit); and one vacancy for an alternate member, due to an administrative action (ordinance change). The Board meets when appeals are filed.

Carlyle/Eisenhower East Design

Carlyle/Eisenhower East Design Review Board – one vacancy for a citizen member, due to an expired term.  The Board meets on the third Thursday of every other month at 7:00 p.m. Approximately three hours are required of Board members.

Children, Youth, and Families Collaborative Commission – one vacancy for a high school student (one year term), due to an administrative action (position vacation). The Children, Youth and Families Collaborative Commission meets on the second Wednesday of each month.  Approximately eight hours per month are required of commission members.

Citizen Corps Council – seven vacancies: one vacancy for a designee from the Alexandria School Board, due to a resignation; one vacancy for a representative of the Alexandria Chapter of the American Red Cross, due to an expired term; one vacancy for a representative of the Crime Prevention Council, or an individual with law enforcement or crime prevention experience; one vacancy for a Medical Reserve Corps representative, due to an expired term; one vacancy for a commission on disabilities representative, due to an expired term; one vacancy for a representative of Alexandria civic associations, due to an expired term; and one vacancy for a citizen member, due to an expired term.  The Council meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.  Approximately four hours per month are required of Council members.

Commission for the Arts – one vacancy for a member who has specific expertise in visual arts either as professional practitioner of visual art, curator of visual art, or as a professional art administrator currently working in the field, due to an expiring term.  The Commission meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Approximately twelve hours per month are required of Commission members.

Commission for Women – one vacancy for a citizen member, due to a resignation.  The Commission meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.  Approximately eight hours per month are required of Commission members.

Commission on Aging – one vacancy for a representative from the Commission on Women, due to a resignation.  The Commission on Aging meets on the second Thursday of every month, except in July and August, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.  Approximately four to six hours of work per month are required of Commission members.

Commission on Employment – three vacancies for business representatives from recognized area businesses including minority-owned and small businesses, two due to expired terms, and one due to a vacated term.  The Commission meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 8:00 a.m.  Approximately five hours per month are required of Commission members.

Commission on HIV/AIDS – seven vacancies: three vacancies for citizen members, due to expired terms; one vacancy for a representative from Hospice of Northern Virginia, due to an expired term; one vacancy for a Commission for Women representative, due to a resignation; one vacancy for a member who is a practicing physician, due to a resignation; and one vacancy for a representative from and representing Alexandria Community Services Board, due to an expiring term.  The Commission meets on the third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m.  Approximately three hours per month are required of Commission members.

Commission on Persons with Disabilities – three vacancies: one vacancy for an at-large representative of the business community, due to an expired term; one vacancy for a representative from the Commission on Aging, due to a resignation; and one vacancy for a citizen member, due to an expiring term. The Commission meets at 7:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday of every month.  Approximately six to ten hours a month are required of Commission members.

Community Criminal Justice Board – three vacancies: one vacancy for the Chief of Police, due to an expired term; one vacancy for a representative of local education to be nominated by the Superintendent of Schools; and one vacancy for a citizen member, due to an expired term.  The Community Criminal Justice Board meets quarterly on the first Thursday of the month at 4:00 p.m.  Approximately two hours per month are required of Board members.

Community Services Board – five vacancies: three vacancies for citizen members, one due to an expired term, one due to a resignation, and one due to an expiring term; and two vacancies for a consumers (current or former direct recipient of public or private mental health, intellectual disability, or substance abuse treatment rehabilitation services) or family members (immediate family member or the principal caregiver who is not paid) of consumer, due resignations.  The Board meets on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m.  The Board is on recess in July and August. Approximately eight hours per month are required of Board members.

Economic Opportunities Commission – five vacancies: two vacancies for representatives of business industry, labor, religious, welfare or other private groups and interests certified by the Commission, due to expiring terms; and one vacancy for a representative for State Senator Adam Ebbin, due to an expired term.  The Commission meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Approximately four hours per month are required of Commission members.

Emergency Medical Services Council – two vacancies: one vacancy for a representative of the Alexandria Red Cross, due to a resignation; and one vacancy for a representative of the Alexandria Medical Society who has privileges at INOVA Alexandria Hospital, due to an expiring term.  The Council meets quarterly at the call of the chair.

Environmental Policy Commission–  one vacancy for a member from the Alexandria business community, due to an administrative action (term limit).  The Commission meets for a work session on the first Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. and a regular meeting on the third Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m.  Approximately 15 hours per month are required of Commission members.

George Washington Birthday Celebration Committee – two vacancies: one vacancy for a member nominated by the First Virginia Regiment of the Continental Line, due to an administrative action (ordinance change); one vacancy for a citizen member, due to a resignation; and one vacancy for a citizen member that is a veteran, due to an administrative action (ordinance change).  The Committee meets on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.  Approximately three to five hours per month are require of Committee members.

The City of Alexandria Pipes and Drums (Photo by James Cullum)

Historic Alexandria Resources Commission – eight vacancies: one vacancy for a representative of the Northern Virginia Fine Arts Association, due to an expired term; one vacancy for a representative from the Alexandria Convention and Visitors Association Board of Governors, due to an expired term; one vacancy for a Alexandria Society for Preservation of Black Heritage representative, due to an expired term; one vacancy for a Carlyle House representative, due to an expired term; one vacancy for a representative from Planning District I, due to a resignation; one vacancy for a Christ Church representative, due to an expired term; one vacancy for a representative from Old Presbyterian Meeting House, due to an expired term; and one vacancy for a representative from the George Washington Masonic Memorial, due to an expired term.  The Commission meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m.  Approximately two hours per month are required of Commission members.

Historical Restoration & Preservation Commission – two vacancies for a citizen members appointed by the City Council, one due to an expiring term, and one due to an expired term.  The Commission meets at the call of the Chairperson.

Human Rights Commission – one vacancy for a citizen at-large member, due to an expiring term.  The Commission meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Approximately five hours per month are required of Commission members.

Landlord-Tenant Relations Board – one vacancy for a low-income tenant, due to a resignation.  The Board meets on first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.  Approximately five hours per month are required of Board members.

Local Emergency Planning Committee –  two vacancies: one vacancy for an owner and operator of a facility subject to the federal emergency planning requirements of Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA), due to a vacancy created by a term limit and one vacancy for a representative of broadcast or print media, due to a resignation.  The Committee meets quarterly at the call of the chair.  Approximately two hours per meeting are required of Committee members.

Park and Recreation Commission – two vacancies: one vacancy for a member from Park Planning District II, due to an expired term; and one vacancy for a member from Park Planning District I, due to an expiring term.  The Commission meets on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Approximately eight hours per month are required of Commission members.

Potomac Yard Design Advisory Committee – four vacancies: one vacancy for a business community representative, due to an expired term; one vacancy for a member with urban design or architectural experience representing the National Park Service, due to an administrative action (ordinance amendment); one member representing civic associations within Potomac Yard, due to an administrative action (ordinance amendment); and one vacancy for a Potomac east area representative, due to an expiring term. The committee meets at the call of the Chair.

Public Health Advisory Commission – two vacancies: one vacancy for a representative of the Alexandria Community Services Board, nominated by the Board, due to a resignation; and one vacancy for a dentist practicing in the City nominated by the Northern Virginia Dental Society, due to an expiring term.  The Commission meets on the third Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m.  Approximately four hours per month are required of Commission members.

Public Records Advisory Commission – one vacancy for a citizen member, due to an expired term.  The Commission meets on the third Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Approximately two hours per month are required of Commission members.

Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA) – one vacancy for a representative from the Alexandria Resident Council (The ARC representative must be a resident of public or publicly assisted housing), due to an expired term. The Board of Commissioners of the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m.  Approximately six hours per month are required of Commissioners.

Sister Cities Committee – two vacancies for citizen members, due to expired terms.  The committee meets on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m., and participates in the Christmas Walk and Scottish Games.

Social Services Advisory Commission – four vacancies: two vacancies for client members, due to expired terms; two vacancies for parent members, due to an expired term and a resignation.  The Board meets on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.  Approximately six hours per month are required of Commission members.

Towing Advisory Board – three vacancies: one vacancy for a member from Alexandria law-enforcement agencies to be nominated by the head of the agency, due to an ordinance amendment; one vacancy for a citizen at-large with preference given to a citizen who has expertise in property management or who is a business owner, due to an expiring term; and one vacancy for a member representing licensed towing and recovery operators doing business in the City of Alexandria, due to an ordinance amendment.  The Board meets annual at the call of the Chair.

Urban Design Advisory Committee – two vacancies: one vacancy for a representative of the Old Town North business community, due to an expiring term; and one vacancy for a representative for a resident representing the Old Town North residential community, due to an administrative action (term limit).

Visit Alexandria Board of Governors – six vacancies:  one vacancy for a restaurant owner/manager (2-year term), due to an expiring term; one vacancy for a national/international association representative  (2-year term), due to an expiring term; one vacancy (1 of 4) for a representative from one of the following sectors: hotel, retail, restaurant, or association (2-year term), due to an expiring term; one vacancy for hotel owner/manager (one-year term), due to an expiring term; and two vacancies for at-large representatives, due to expiring terms.  The applicants will need to be recommended by the Visit Alexandria Board of Governors for approval by City Council in June. The Board meets on the third Monday of the month in July, October, November, January, March, May, and June.   Approximately three hours per month is required of Board members.

Photo courtesy of VisitAlexandria

Applicants may only submit an application to one committee at a time. 

Please note that the term “expiring term” means the position vacancy is due to a term of an incumbent that is about to expire, and the incumbent may or may not reapply for the position.

All applicants must comply with City Ordinance No. 2452, which states that no appointee shall reside outside of the City of Alexandria unless a residency waiver is granted, and City Ordinance No. 2641, which states that City employees may not apply for vacancies on boards, committee or commissions that relate to the responsibilities of the department in which they are employed.

Members of the Human Rights Commission are available to assist any person or attend any meeting to explain the board and commission application process.  To request such assistance, contact Jean Kelleher at 703 746-3140. For further information about the vacancies or responsibilities of these boards and commissions, contact Gloria Sitton in the City Clerk/Clerk of Council Office at 703 746-4550.

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