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WMATA Files Eminent Domain Suit Against Potomac Green HOA for Potomac Yard Metro

Alexandria, VA – In an effort to keep the Potomac Yard Metro station project on track, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority is using eminent domain to purchase Alexandria land from the Potomac Green Homeowners Association. WMATA reportedly filed a civil suit in Alexandria after two years of failed negotiations and requested $50,000 as fair value for the 6,200 square feet of land at a traffic circle at Carpenter Road and Potomac Green Drive.

The April 8 civil court filing has prompted the HOA to reenter into negotiations with the transit agency. Those negotiations have been ongoing for the last few years, leaving WMATA in a quagmire since it needed to possess all lands necessary to complete building the station by Jan. 1, 2019. WMATA said in court documents that once the $320 million station is finished in 2021 or 2022 that the land will be returned to the community in its previous condition. 

“Everyone is working in good faith,” Ron Lafond, president of the Potomac Greens HOA told the Washington Business Journal. “[We’re] pretty happy about that. Everyone is saying the right things.”

Last fall, the Commonwealth announced $50 million toward the development of the southern entrance to the station. The move was prompted by Amazon’s plan to establish its corporate headquarters and Virginia Tech’s Innovation Campus at National Landing. The station is expected to bring in 26,000 new jobs and support 13,000 new residents, representing “the most significant redevelopment and tax base growth opportunity for Alexandria,” according to a city release.


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