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Crayons and Pencils and Notebooks: Democracy FCU Collecting School Supplies for the Community

Patrons are asked to donate new, unopened school supplies in to the school bus bin located inside the branches

Alexandria, VA– Join Democracy Federal Credit Union during the month of August to collect back-to-school supply donations for our local community. Between August 1 and September 1, everyone is welcome to drop by a Democracy FCU branch to donate school supply items and/or monetary donations that will benefit the underserved areas of our local community.

Democracy FCU is collecting donations that will support the students of

  •  Amidon-Bowen Elementary School (Washington, D.C.)
  •  H.D. Woodson High School (Washington, D.C.)
  •  Jefferson-Houston Elementary School (Alexandria, VA)
  •  Suitland Elementary School (Suitland, MD)

According to the 2018 National Retail Federation (NRF) survey, families of students contributed a total of $27.5 billion towards the purchase of school items, averaging $685 per household with a bulk of their purchase going towards clothing, shoes and school supplies. On average, a parent spends $122.13 on supplies not including gym uniforms, music instruments, field trips, lunches and additional school fees.

The purpose of the drive is to give back to the community in which we serve. It provides an opportunity for many less fortunate children to have essential supplies necessary to be successful in school. Many school teachers spend money out of their own pockets to supplement the needs of their students, and we want to help alleviate as much of that burden as we can. Democracy FCU wants every child to feel the excitement of having new school supplies on their first day of school. We believe that every student should have the chance to succeed in the classroom and not be limited in their learning due to circumstances out of their control.

Patrons are asked to donate new, unopened school supplies in to the school bus bin located inside the branches; monetary donations may be made at any branch teller window. Students’ and teachers’ wish list items include basic school supplies, such as, wide or college ruled notebooks, #2 pencils, crayons, scissors, glue, markers, pocket folders, erasers, hand sanitizer, Kleenex, rulers, etc.

For Democracy FCU branch locations and hours, visit

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