Events Calendar

Events Happening in September!

September 5

Friends of Guest House 45th Anniversary – BBQ & BINGO

6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

Friends of Guest House

120 South Payne St.

Friends of Guest House turns 45! Forty-five years of helping thousands of women successfully reenter the community from incarceration. Come celebrate the 45th Anniversary and the opening of the new location with BBQ and Bingo! Purchase tickets

September 8

Catherine Day, Amelia Hankin, Zofie King: Memory – Gallery Talk

3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.

The Athenaeum

201 Prince St.

These artists work in different media, but all address memory, perception, and how the passage of time influences perception. This event is free and open to the public.

Image: Amelia Hankin, Untitled, from the Migration Series, Mixed media on round wood panels, 18” x 18” 2019. For more information:

September 8

George Washington Patriot Run

8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

George Washington’s Mount Vernon

3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway

Race through history during the area’s most unique 10K/5K! This USATF-certified course takes runners up and down the scenic George Washington Memorial Parkway and traces Washington’s footsteps through the historic grounds at Mount Vernon. Cross the finish line with the Mansion in view and receive a t-shirt and medal. There will also be beer, concessions, music, and an awards ceremony for the races’ top finishers. Children can join the fun during the free Kids Fun Run (registration required). Participants receive a medal and certification of participation. Register at

September 14-15

Colonial Market & Fair

9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

George Washington’s Mount Vernon

3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway

The annual fair features dozens of America’s historic craftspeople and plenty of family fun! Visit the marketplace on Mount Vernon’s 12-acre field and chat with colonial artisans who sell traditional food and wares made from wood, metal, and textiles. Listen to colonial tunes and watch performers demonstrate 18th-century crafts, including Mount Vernon’s costumed interpreters making chocolate using an authentic colonial recipe.

September 14

Safe Space NOVA Fundraiser Brunch

12:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.

The Garden

5380 Eisenhower Avenue (Suite C)

Safe Space NOVA, a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization which services the Northern Virginia area, is hosting its first ever Brunch Fundraiser on Saturday, September 14, from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. at The Garden, located at 5380 Eisenhower Avenue (Suite C) in Alexandria. WUSA9 reporter/anchor Lorenzo Hall will serve as MC for the event. The purpose for the brunch fundraiser is multifaceted. Safe Space NOVA wants to educate the community on the issues LGBT+ youth face, tell the story of why and how the organization exists, and ask for support to continue programming. Purchase tickets. 

September 14

“Circle of Life” – A Cappella Choral Concert

4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

Schlesinger Concert Hall

Northern Virginia Community College

4915 East Campus Drive

The Alexandria Harmonizers, 2018 Choralis Foundation winner as the best a cappella ensemble in the Washington D.C. area, presents “Circle of Life” Experience a journey through Broadway hits filled with laughter, love and harmony. You’ll hear and see the Harmonizer 80 man chorus performing high-energy production numbers and heartfelt ballads from “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying,” “Man of La Mancha,” “Les Miserable” and “Anything Goes.” Also featured are award-winning Sweet Adelines Quartet “GQ” and 2015 Barbershop Harmony Society Champions “Instant Classic.” Tickets $35.

September 15

Jazz at Meade

4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

Meade Memorial Episcopal Church

322 North Alfred St.

Jazz at Meade is proud to welcome back Nasar Abadey for the fifth concert in the 2019 concert season. Nasar Abadey, the educator, composer, and band leader is a talented drummer from the Washington, DC area. Frank Rubio, Cadence Magazine, said of him. “He is not a background drummer. He is up front and expressive, aggressively pounding out a wide array of propulsive rhythms.“

September 21

Arts on the Horizon 5k Fundraiser

8:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.

Fort Hunt Park

8999 Fort Hunt Rd.

Arts on the Horizon, a nonprofit theatre for children ages 0 to 6, is hosting the Second Annual 5K Fundraiser. Meet at 8:00 am on for some family-friendly fun. Families are invited to run or walk to support Arts on the Horizon’s arts education programs and performances. For more details, a full schedule of events, and to register: Registration: $25, $5 for kids

September 21

Jane Austen Ball

8:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m.

Gadsby’s Tavern Museum

134 N. Royal St.

Step back to the time of Jane Austen at this late-1790s era ball. The evening will feature a variety of English Country dances in the historic ballroom, live music, and period refreshments. Period costumes optional, “after-five” attire encouraged. Tickets available online and reservations required. $45

In preparation for the Jane Austen Ball, learn 18th-century English country dancing from expert dance instructors. Those not familiar with this style of dancing should complete at least one full dance class to become accustomed to the figures and language for the ball. Classes will be held on September 12 and 19 from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Attend one at $12. See separate listing for dance class tickets.

September 21-22

17th Annual King Street Arts Festival

Saturday, 10 a.m.-7 pm; Sunday, 10 a.m-5 p.m.

King Street, from Washington Street to the waterfront

Historic King Street in Alexandria, Virginia, from Washington Street to the waterfront, is transformed into an outdoor art gallery with original fine artwork by more than 200 artists from around the country. Enjoy live music and interactive art activities, as well as The Art League’s Ice Cream Bowl Fundraiser Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and the Torpedo Factory Art Center’s 2nd Annual Beer & Wine Torpedo Garden Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free


September 21-22

Crafts at Carlyle House

12:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.

Carlyle House

121 N. Fairfax St.

To coincide with the King Street Art Festival, children will be able to create their own piece of art at Carlyle House to take home. Children will get the chance to paint their own version of a floorcloth, a popular 18th-Century floor covering. Free

September 22

Alexandria’s Historic Breweries Tour

2:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.

Celebrate Oktoberfest with a walking tour of Alexandria’s Historic Breweries. Brewing in the DC area began in 1770 with the arrival of Edinburgh-born Andrew Wales. The city was also home to the Robert Portner Brewing Company’s massive Tivoli Brewery. The tour explores alleyways, repurposed buildings, historic taverns, brewing artifacts in the Alexandria Archaeology Museum, a 1793 ice well, and, of course, Alexandria’s magnificent colonial-era architecture. The tour route is a 2.5-mile walk, and participants should wear comfortable walking shoes, dress for warm weather, and bring water. Purchase tickets at the Alexandria Visitors Center.$28

September 23

Classic Car Show

10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

The Lyceum

201 S. Washington St.

Co-sponsored by Packards Virginia and the Alexandria History Museum at The Lyceum, the show features a variety of Packards ranging from the 1930s-1950s as well as other “orphan” vehicles that are invited to register as well. Orphan cars are any marque of vehicle built by an out-of-business manufacturer. Packards Virginia, chartered in 1976, is part of The Packard Club, itself founded in 1952. The Packard Club is dedicated to the advancement of the maintenance, preservation, authentic restoration and use of Packard motor vehicles. Packard was a luxury automobile manufactured in Detroit, Michigan, between 1899 and 1956. For more information, visit or call 703-424-5871. Free

September 28

An Evening of 18th Century Games

6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

Carlyle House

121 N. Fairfax St.

Visitors are cordially invited to attend an evening of 18th century games and refreshments on the Magnolia Terrace at Carlyle House. Learn how to play 18th century games such as Shut the Box, Whist, and more from our game masters during the evening. Light hors d’oeuvres and two drinks per visitor are included in the price of the ticket. The event includes a tour of the first floor of the house. $40 Event is open to anyone 21+. $40

September 28

Before They Were Americans: A Prologue to the Revolutionary War

8:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m.

The Lyceum

201 S. Washington St.

In preparation for the 250th anniversary of 1776, explore the complexity, challenges, and uncertainties of early America with public historians during a one-day symposium presented by Gadsby’s Tavern Museum in partnership with Emerging Revolutionary War. Dr. Peter Henriques, “George Washington: From British Subject to American Rebel”; Phillip Greenwalt, “‘I Wish This Cursed Place Was Burned’: Boston and the Road to Revolution”; Katherine Gruber, ” A Tailor-Made Revolution: Clothing William Carlin’s Alexandria”; William Griffith, “A Proud, Indolent, Ignorant, Self-sufficient Set: The Colonists’ Emergence as a Fighting Force in the French and Indian War”; Stephanie Seal Walters, “Smallpox to Revolution”. Tickets available online www/ $60/$50 for OHA members and students.


September 28

“Finding Roots — Researching in Your Own Back Yard.”

9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Hollin Hall Senior Center

1500 Shenandoah Rd.

The Mount Vernon Genealogical Society fall conference features researching in the many genealogical repositories in and near Washington, DC. Participants will hear a keynote presentation by Claire Kluskens of the National Archives, and choose any three of nine additional presentations. Lunch provided. More information at $30 for MVGS members and $35 for nonmembers.

September 29

Run! Geek! Run!

8:30 a.m.

South end of Main Line Blvd.

Ironistic and Hudson Studio are co-sponsoring the 12th Annual Run! Geek! Run! race which was founded in 2008 and organized for the past eight years by W2 Communications. All proceeds go to support the National Industries for the Blind. $35


September 29

AHS Fall 2019 Classic Car Show at River Farm

9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

River Farm

7931 E. Boulevard Drive

Join in this fun community event benefiting the national non-profit American Horticultural Society (AHS) and the stewardship of its River Farm headquarters. Besides checking out the classic cars that are competing for trophies, enjoy guided garden tours, a 50/50 raffle, and refreshments! Rain Date: October 6. $20 for show cars; $10 per car for spectators; $5 for bikes/walk-ins; free for under 12


October 5

Blazing a Trail: Alexandria’s Firefighting History Walking Tour

1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m.

Friendship Firehouse

107 S. Alfred St.

Mark Fire Prevention Week October 6-12 and explore firefighting history! Lear about volunteer firefighting in early Alexandria: the five firehouse, three major fires, and firefighting in during the Civil War. Space is limited. Advance ticket purchase is required at AlexandriaVA.Gov/Shop or call 703-746-4994. This tour will not interest small children. $6 for adults; $4 for youth (ages 10 to 17)

October 5, 6

ASO Presents: Imaginary Symphony

8:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.

Oct. 5: Schlesinger Concert Hall

Northern Virginia Community College

4915 East Campus Drive

Oct. 6: George Washington Masonic Memorial

101 Callahan Dr.

Alexandria Symphony’s 2019-2020 season opens with a program that explores war and peace and the curiosity of conversation. Starting with a grandly spunky overture from Wagner’s well-loved and only comedic opera, Die Meistersinger, the concert features three virtuosic soloists on violin, cello and piano in Beethoven’s inspired Triple Concerto. In the second half the “Imaginary Symphony,” composed of four movements by four composers, depicts visions of pastoral beauty juxtaposed with a war march and a call for peace. This concert commemorates the 75th anniversary year of the D-Day invasion. ASO musician Gene Pohl’s father, Lionel Semiatin, composed Tidbit No. 1 while fighting on the battlefield at Normandy. $20-$85


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