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Commuters of DASH Buses Can Expect More Frequent Service!

Effective Oct. 13, AT-1 and AT-9 DASH passengers can expect more frequent service and extended hours in the transit schedule.


Alexandria, VA – Waiting for public transportation in any kind of weather isn’t really anyone’s idea of a good time, right? Effective Oct. 13, AT-1 and AT-9 DASH passengers can expect more frequent service and extended hours in the transit schedule.

These terrific changes will make it so that commuters wait less and can plan their trips better, while doing their part in supporting public transportation and helping the environment!

The affected routes and changes are as follows:


Now named the “AT-1 Plus” featuring more frequent service and new extended hours of operation along the same AT-1 route!

Buses every 10 minutes during a.m. and p.m. peak* periods, every 20 minutes during middays & evenings on weekdays, and buses every 30 minutes on weekends. All trips serve the entire route from Van Dorn Metro to Seminary Plaza.

Buses are will be available until 11 p.m. every day including Saturdays and Sundays. There will also be improved connectivity to Fairfax Connector service at Van Dorn Metro on weekends.


Eastbound trip times have changed to provide departures from Lincolnia approximately every 20 minutes between 4-6 p.m.

AT-3 and AT-4

Buses will continue to use stops at the crosswalk on West Braddock Road in front of the Braddock Road Metrorail Station to reduce travel times and improve service reliability.


Route/Stop changes in Old Town during the weekday p.m. peak:

AT-5 Eastbound buses departing from King Street Metro towards Braddock Road Metro will not serve stops on Duke Street at West Street or Payne Street on weekdays from 3-7 p.m. due to heavy traffic. The first stop on Duke Street will be made at Alfred Street. West Street passengers should use the stop at Daingerfield Road & Prince Street (next to the Crate & Barrel outlet). Payne Street passengers should use the stop at Alfred Street.

AT-5 Westbound buses traveling from Braddock Road Metro towards King Street Metro will not serve westbound Duke Street on weekdays from 3-7 p.m. due to heavy traffic. There will also be no stops from 3-7 p.m. on Duke Street at Henry Street, Payne Street or Peyton Street, or at Daingerfield Road & Prince Street. Passengers using the AT-5 Westbound can board buses at any stop on westbound King Street.

No route or stop changes are planned for a.m. peak, midday, evening or weekend periods. AT-5 buses will continue to serve all stops on Duke Street in Old Town during those times.


Trips will discontinue service to the bus bays at Eisenhower Metro to improve service reliability. Passengers can board AT-7 buses at the adjacent stops on Eisenhower Avenue & Swamp Fox Road.


Schedule changes to improve on-time performance and coordinate with WMATA 29 K/N trips on weekends include:

Between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. on weekends, passengers on Duke Street between King Street Metro and Landmark Mall will have service approximately every 15 minutes with the combination of Metro 29K/N and DASH AT-8 buses.

Please note:

29K/N buses only make select stops on Duke Street (Click here for details).

The DASH Pass and the DASH Bus mobile app are not accepted on Metrobus. Customers wishing to use both services should purchase Metrobus 7-Day passes or pay the base fare using a SmarTrip card to take advantage of free transfers between DASH and Metrobus.

Outside of these hours, a combination of long trips (Van Dorn Metro to Braddock Road Metro) and short trips (Landmark Mall to King Street) will operate every 30 minutes until approximately 11:30 p.m. Short trips on Saturday continue to Braddock Road Metro.

On weekdays, AT-8 trips will continue to bypass the stop at Duke Street & Dove Street between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. for the duration of the King Street Metro Station bus loop closure due to traffic congestion.


Major service improvements to be implemented:

Frequency will be improved with buses running every 20 minutes during weekday peaks and every 30 minutes during off-peaks and weekends.

Service hours will be extended until 11 p.m., seven days per week.

There will also be a new Sunday service, every 30 minutes from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.!


King Street Trolley will revert to its winter schedule with Trolleys running every 15 minutes daily. For details visit click here.

ICYMI: Alexandria’s DASHBus Introduces Mobile Ticketing App and $1.00 Fares


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