Lighting Up The Night At “Shine Together: Alexandria’s Lantern Night”
The days are getting shorter and colder but that’s no reason to be gloomy! Shine with hope at this year's event with a homemade lantern.

Courtesy Photo
Alexandria, VA – The days are getting shorter and colder but that’s no reason to be gloomy! “Shine Together: Alexandria’s Lantern Night,” hosted by Alexandria Kinderchoir is a way to bring hope and light into the night as we move towards the darkest days of the year.
Inspired by the European tradition of Martinmas, the event is open to all and invites attendees to come with handmade lanterns, enjoy songs of hope and light by the Kinderchoir, and then convene outside for a community sing-a-long and circle while dancing under the stars. Cookies will be provided! The event will take place at 5 p.m. on Nov. 7, at Convergence (1801 N. Quaker Lane).
This will be the fifth consecutive event hosted by Alexandria Kinderchoir. This year’s event will take place on the beautiful grounds of Convergence, the Kinderchoir’s new home, and will strengthen its emphasis on service and community. Cash donations will be collected to benefit the Center for Alexandria’s Children, a local nonprofit supporting young victims of abuse. The event will be hosted by The Alexandria Kinderchoir, with support from community partners Convergence, UpCycle, Great Harvest Bread Company, and Trader Joe’s.
Don’t know how to make your own homemade lantern? Not to worry! UpCycle will offer lantern-making workshops during its regular tinker time on Oct. 30, from 3:30-5:30 p.m. and again on Nov. 2, from 10 a.m. -12 p.m. Cost is $5 and includes all supplies. UpCycle is located in the Durant Center (1605 Cameron St.).