DASH Board Approves Alexandria Transit Vision Plan
After nearly two years of planning, outreach and discussion, the Alexandria Transit Vision (ATV), the Alexandria Transit Vision (ATV) Plan network for 2030
Alexandria, VA – After nearly two years of planning, outreach and discussion, the Alexandria Transit Vision (ATV) Plan network for 2030, and the short-term 2022 major growth network, were both adopted by the Alexandria Transit Company (DASH) Board of Directors on December 11.
The new bus networks will provide more useful bus service for the City of Alexandria by introducing frequent, all-day bus service to areas where more people will be able to use it. The new bus networks will significantly increase access to frequent transit for low-income, minority and senior residents, while establishing important bus connections to the new Potomac Yard Metrorail Station and other key development areas. Additional highlights of the Final 2030 ATV network include:
- Creation of a city-wide, high-frequency network with buses running every 15 minutes or better, all day, seven days a week in the West End, Landmark, Arlandria, Potomac Yard and Old Town.
- Access to useful, frequent, all-day transit for 120,000 city residents (vs. 40,000 today).
- 89% of low-income residents will have access to frequent, all-day transit (vs. 29% today).
- 87% of minority residents will have access to frequent, all-day transit (vs. 22% today).
- Maintains existing bus service in most areas so that 99.5% of existing bus boardings are still within 1/8 mile of a stop in the 2030 ATV network.
- Significantly expands off-peak service, including a 50% increase in weekend service. Most DASH routes will operate all day on Saturdays and Sundays with buses coming every 15-30 minutes.

The ATV team conducted an extensive public outreach campaign with hearings, meetings, pop-up events and surveys to collect feedback on the draft recommended 2022 and 2030 networks. Based on the input received, the draft network proposals were adjusted to create the final ATV network recommendations which were adopted by the DASH Board during the December board meeting.
The biggest change made to the draft ATV networks were based on community input. There is an addition of weekday-only bus service on Seminary Road and Janneys Lane. A new route will replace the current AT-2 route segment proposed for elimination due to low ridership. To encourage usage, the Board set a benchmark to monitor future ridership on Seminary Road and Janneys Lane to determine if the route should continue in the future. The final ATV networks also maintain current AT3 and AT4 routes from Braddock Road Metro to the Pentagon via Parkfairfax.

The implementation plan for DASH routes in the 2022 ATV network will be outlined in the FY 2022 DASH Transit Development Plan (TDP), which informs the annual DASH budget request to City Council; WMATA route changes will be considered during the WMATA FY 2022 budget process. If adopted by Council and WMATA, the new ATV network would launch by summer 2021. The long-term 2030 ATV network will be implemented by 2030 through the same annual DASH and WMATA processes.
For more information, visit dashbus.com/transitvision.