Goal Exceeded! More Than $7K Raised to Give Arthur Sixsmith a Happy Holiday
Here's some good news to share in Alexandria!
Alexandria, VA – The community came together for Arthur Sixsmith this Christmas! The 74-year-old Alexandrian has been a local fixture for decades, and as of Monday, Dec. 30, $7,233 was raised in a gofundme campaign to give Arthur a happy holiday. The $5,000 goal was achieved through the generosity of 147 donors.
“We are looking to raise as much as we can to buy him Christmas and Birthday presents. We’d also like to send him on vacation with Melwood’s Access Adventures,” wrote Scott Lockett, the organizer of the gofundme page. “Thank you to everyone who donated and shared the campaign. Please keep sharing.”
Gayle Reuter, one of the queens of Del Ray, said that the expression of warmth toward Arthur is natural for the Alexandria neighborhood.
“Arthur is what makes Del Ray special and has been an important part of Del Ray as long as I can remember, so I’m not surprised by the immediate outpouring from the community,” Reuter said.
Will Nichols, the manager of St. Elmo’s Coffee Pub, has known Arthur for 20 years.
“As much as Del Ray is changing, it’s still holding onto values that it’s had forever,” Nichols said. “Arthur doesn’t say much, and he’s very polite. People embrace him because of who he is. He’s probably the truest testament that good things will come to you by being yourself. ”