Local Boating Safety Classes in 2020

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Ok. You have a boat. It’s time for some safety classes for the first time. Or maybe it’s time for a refresher.
“We’re pleased to announce our 2020 Boating Safety class schedule,” says Jack Crawford, Flotilla Commander of U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 25-08 (Mount Vernon). “The days are getting longer and it’s time to prepare for the new boating season.”
Safety Required
Virginia, Maryland and many other states as well as the District of Columbia require some form of certified boating safety training for operators of most powered boats and of personal water craft (“jet skis”).
“We also invite seasoned boaters who took the class many years ago to consider taking it again to refresh themselves on boat handling and regulations, nautical ‘rules of the road,’ required equipment and other tips and practices to help prevent accidents,” adds Crawford.
Class Dates and Information
Classes will be taught by experienced Flotilla 25-08 Instructors on Saturdays from 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., on February 22, March 21, April 18, May 16, June 20 and July 18 at the Washington Farm United Methodist Church, 3921 Old Mill Road, Alexandria, VA 22309.
To enroll in a class contact Ted Caliga at [email protected].
Newcomers and experienced boaters alike are also encouraged to explore the Coast Guard Auxiliary’s “Welcome to the Recreational Boating Safety Outreach Web Site” to obtain free boating safety tools and materials.