Community News
Apply for the City of Alexandria Ad Hoc Scooter Task Force
Join the Force! The application for the Ad Hoc Scooter Task Force is now open. Applications will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. on Monday, February 10.

Join the Force! The application for the Ad Hoc Scooter Task Force is now open (apply here). Applications will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. on Monday, February 10.
On December 14, 2019, City Council approved a second phase of the Dockless Mobility (Scooter) Pilot Program. With that approval, the Council adopted a resolution to create an Ad Hoc Task Force that will provide guidance to City Council about shared mobility. The Task Force will consist of 13 members representing a diversity of interests related to shared mobility. The following positions are available:
- (2) business representatives, including the retail, restaurant or hospitality sector
- (4) citizens at-large representing different areas/neighborhoods of the city; at least one shall be a current member of an Alexandria civic association
- (1) person who is a transportation professional in the private sector or in government at the federal, state, or local level
- (1) person representing transportation advocacy organizations
- (1) person who represents and uses transit and shared mobility interests
More information about Task Force meetings will be posted on the Dockless Mobility website once details and a schedule are available.
For more information about the Task Force and the Dockless Mobility Pilot Program, visit