Community News

INOVA Hospitals Suspending Visitation

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Inova Health System will be suspending all in-person visitation as of Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 8 p.m.

“Community organizations and members have been called to action to encourage social distancing and prevent the continual spread of COVID-19. We are taking this action to provide the highest level of care for our patients, while keeping our team members and community safe. We encourage video meetings between patients and loved ones,” offered INOVA in morning press release.

Limited Exceptions

Inova Health System recognizes that a family member, caregiver, or visitor may be crucial for clinical and patient care. They will allow visitors for:

  • End-of-life situations.
  • Patients with conditions such as altered mental status, developmental delays, special communication needs or those who have designated a spokesperson, where a caregiver and/or care companion provides safety and enhances the ability to communicate effectively with the care team. That patient may have one visitor.
  • One person may accompany a patient to a hospital or clinic for an outpatient appointment.
  • One person may accompany a patient to an Urgent Care Center or Emergency Room (ER) visit.
  • Please review additional visitation guidance from Inova Children’s Hospital and Women’s Services below.
  • Visitation will not be allowed for suspected or confirmed patients with COVID-19.

All visitors entering an Inova Health System Care Site will undergo a screening. Individuals answering yes to the screening questions will be asked to postpone their visit.

No Lobby or Common Area Waiting

Family members or friends will not be allowed to wait in lobbies or common areas such as chapels, cafeterias, food courts, banks or any other area within the care site.

Care sites will determine optimal implementation of Inova Health System’s Visitation Guidance.

Exceptions to Inova Health System’s Visitation Guidance can be made in extenuating circumstances and with prior approval from a care site’s administration.

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Mary Wadland

Mary Wadland is the Publisher and Editor in Chief of The Zebra Press, founded by her in 2010. Originally from Delray Beach, Florida, Mary is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Hollins College in Roanoke, VA and has lived and worked in the Alexandria publishing community since 1987.

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