CDC Provides Info for Living With Others in Small Spaces

Alexandria, VA – In its nightly email, the city continues to urge residents to stay at home, unless going out is essential. And when out, they stress the importance of maintaining six feet of distance around others.
Living with Others in a Small Space?
If you are living with roommates in a small apartment or with family in a small house, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides information on its website for people in these situations. There is also information on how to handle a renter who tests positive for the coronavirus. All resources are available in multiple languages. Click HERE and HERE to learn more.
Making Funeral Arrangements
Losing a loved one to COVID-19 is tragic. Having to plan funeral arrangements can make an already hard time even more difficult. During the pandemic, funeral planning, services, and burial and cremation practices have changed. To assist mourners and funeral home directors, the Virginia Department of Health has created a page of frequently asked questions. To view, click HERE.
ICYMI: Mental Health Resources Available to Help Adjust to ‘New Normal’