AHD Making Residents Aware of Pediatric Condition

Alexandria, VA – In its nightly email, the city continues to urge residents to stay at home, unless going out is essential. And when out, they stress the importance of maintaining six feet of distance around others.
COVID-19 Possibly Responsible for Rare Condition
The Alexandria Health Department (AHD) is monitoring information about a new illness seen in children. Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) is possibly connected to COVID-19. Although rare, it affects the heart and other vital organs.
Symptoms include a fever that lasts several days; irritability or sluggishness; abdominal pain with no explanation; diarrhea; vomiting; rash; red or pink eyes; enlarged lymph nodes on one side of the neck; red, cracked lips or a strawberry-colored tongue. Hands and feet may also swell and become red.
AHD advises calling your child’s pediatrician right away if illness appear or there is a continued fever. If the illness is severe, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. Continue to take steps to guard against coronavirus.
City Helps With Meal Distribution
On May 14, city staff and volunteers distributed 1,250 hot meals to 350 families in the third food distribution organized in Alexandria.
The event was overseen by the World Central Kitchen, a nonprofit organization founded by chef José Andrés. Local nonprofit ALIVE! also gave 800 pounds of food.
There are similar events planned. One will take place at Casa Chirilagua on May 21 and another at Ramsay Elementary School on May 28. For details about locations, times, and food programs, visit Alexandria’s Food Assistance webpage.