Alexandria Rec Department Announces Sign-Up Date for Summer Classes

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Feel out of shape from staying inside the past few months? There’s great news! Classes are around the corner to get you fit again.
Alexandria’s Department of Recreation, Parks, and Cultural Activities (RPCA) will give people the opportunity to register for summer outdoor programming starting Wednesday, June 17. Registration begins at 9.a.m that morning for Alexandria residents. Registration opens to non-residents on Friday, June 19. Fitness and tennis classes will be offered at this time. Other classes will be added throughout the summer with ongoing registration available.
Classes will be structured to follow Gov. Ralph S. Northam’s (D-VA) Phase Two guidelines. Instructors and participants will stay ten feet apart. Classes will be limited to 30 percent occupancy.
To register, click HERE. Registration is also available by appointment by calling 703-746-5414.
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