Hear That Sound? Live Music Returns to Alexandria on June 20
Six hour-long concerts will be held at Classical Movements' Secret Garden on 711 Princess Street

ALEXANDRIA, VA -Since March, much has changed in our lives because of the coronavirus pandemic. In a town known for its music, live performances here were cancelled. The Alexandria Symphony Orchestra‘s (ASO) schedule was disrupted. Bands and solo musicians who were regular performers at Alexandria’s bars and restaurants had to play at their homes on the Internet or play to themselves.
With the City of Alexandria in the second phase of reopening, some musicians are about to have the opportunity to play before a genuine audience. Yes, you read that correctly.
On June 20, members of several local orchestras, including the ASO, Fairfax Symphony Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra, and the New Orchestra of Washington, will once again delight concertgoers.
Six hour-long concerts will be held at the Classical Movements‘ Secret Garden on 711 Princess Street. The performance area will be adapted for social distancing purposes and attendees will have to stand.
The series of concerts, appropriately titled “Sounds of Hope and Harmony,” will feature works from Mozart, Schubert, and John Williams. Start times are 10 and 11:30 a.m., 1, 5, 6:30, and 8 p.m.
Attendees will be required to bring and wear face coverings. Staff will do the same, along with the musicians, when not playing. People will be placed six feet apart. There is a limit of 45 people per concert. Tickets and programs will be available digitally.
For complete details and to purchase tickets, click HERE.
ICYMI: Spreading Cheer and Appreciation in an Uncertain Time