Community News

St. Patrick’s Hooley to Benefit Christ House

The crowd enjoying a past hooley. (Photo: Ken Wolfe)

Alexandria, VA – Join in the fun as The Ancient Order of Hibernians and St. Mary’s Basilica host their annual St. Patrick’s Hooley, March 13, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The festivities will take place in the St. Mary’s School gym, 400 Green Street, Alexandria.

“With all the craziness of the last two years, we truly need a hooley! Get ready for some food, beer, music, dancing, and fun — Irish style. All proceeds go to charity during the month of Saint Patrick, so it doesn’t get any better than that,” said Ken Wolfe, vice president of the Ancient Order of Hibernians division in Alexandria.

In celebration of all things Irish, the event is geared toward families and people of all ages. The Hooley, an Irish music-filled festival, will be filled with music by Pat Garvey, Irish dancing, bagpipes, a silent auction, and a raffle. Traditional Irish fare will be catered by Murphy’s Grand Irish Pub.

Purchase tickets ($25 for adults and $5 for children) at Become a 2022 Irish Hooley Sponsor by reserving a table for 10 for $500, or you can make a sponsorship donation of $300. All proceeds from the event will benefit Christ House in Old Town. Christ House is a program of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington that provides emergency assistance, free daily meals, a food pantry, and other generous programs.

The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) is America’s oldest Irish Catholic fraternal organization fostering and preserving Irish culture. The local Herbert-Cady Division, established in 2011, is active in the local community and growing fast.

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