ALX Chamber of Commerce Pivots Virtually During COVID Times
Like many organizations, The Alexandria Chamber of Commerce is adjusting to the changing social and business environment due to Covid-19.

(Photos: Jason Dixon for the Chamber ALX)
Alexandria, VA – Like many organizations, The Alexandria Chamber of Commerce is adjusting to the changing social and business environment due to Covid-19. “A big part of what we do is provide networking opportunities for people to meet each other, so we adapted pretty quickly to virtual, holding a virtual event within two weeks of the shutdown in March,” explained Maria Ciarrocchi, COO and Vice President of Public Policy at the Chamber.
“Having to change and figuring out how to offer the same programs and what kind of content our members needed at that time was important, so we did a lot of webinars, I was sending out emails with information, and trying to pivot to how to be as helpful as possible to our members at a time when no one knew what was going on.”
August Highlights
But in the course of all-things virtual, the Chamber succeeded in person as well this past month, fulfilling mandatory social-distancing requirements in order to hold two of their main signature events.
The Chamber ALX 2020 Golf Classic
(Photos: Jason Dixon for the Chamber ALX)
The Chamber ALX 2020 Golf Classic, presented by MGM National Harbor was held on August 17th and was a full day of golfing, networking, and social distanced fun at Springfield Country Club. The top three winners in the scramble were Patterson Real Estate (11-under), Wiygul Automotive Clinic (10-under) and East Cost Collision (9-under.) Closest to the Pin was Chamber ALX President Dave Millard (Avison Young), Straightest Drive was Kay Tyler (Tyler Printing & Mailing), and Long Drive was Ken Patterson (Patterson Real Estate).
The Chamber ALX’s 2020 Valor Awards
The Chamber ALX’s 2020 Valor Awards, presented by INOVA Alexandria Hospital was held on August 27th at the Old Town Hilton. This awards program is dedicated to honoring the public safety personnel of the Alexandria Fire Department, Police Department, Sheriff’s Office, and Department of Emergency Communications for heroic acts of valor. Nominated by their peers, the selfless acts of many individuals throughout the year are recognized and this year, additional organizations were awarded medals for their commitment to protecting the community during the pandemic.
2020 Pandemic Honorees
Alexandria Health Department
INOVA Alexandria Hospital’s Inpatient Team
INOVA Alexandria Hospital’s Emergency Department and Critical Care Team
INOVA Alexandria’s Support Services Team
Neighborhood Health
Senior Services of Alexandria’s Meals on Wheels Team
2020 Police, Fire, Sheriff & Emergency Communications Honorees
(Photos: Jason Dixon for the Chamber ALX)
Firefighter John Ashby
Deputy Jason Bebow
Captain Andy Beckett
Firefighter Tara Blunt
PSCO II Valerie Bonsu
Lieutenant Henry Cook
Firefighter Tyler Degenhardt
Firefighter Sandy Godsey
Officer Lorenzo Hardy
Firefighter Peter Hunter
Firefighter Dylan Kempton
Firefighter/Medic Ryan Kilner
Captain Jason Kuehler
Officer Lisa Kolodzinski
Firefighter/Medic Lyndsay Loper
Captain Bryan Meckes
Deputy Devon Neckles
Deputy Julio Ocasio
Arlington Police Officer Nicole Pehrson
PSCO II Shavaughn Priestly-Smith
Officer Luis “Henry” Segura
Captain John Silverwood
Sergeant Zygmond Slevinski
Motor Officer Loren Smith-West
Firefighter James Swanick
Paramedic Lori Taylor
Officer Sara Thomas
Firefighter Rudy Thompson
Sergeant Michael Vaccaro
Firefighter Sokthear Van
Officer Wesley Vitale
Officer Shakita Warren
Captain Eric Whitmore
PSCO II Latoya Wilson
On the Calendar
The next event is the Chamber ALX’s Legislative Reception, presented by Virginia Tech on Thursday, September 10th from 6 – 7:00 PM. It will be held virtually on the Zoom Platform with a link being sent upon registration. “The Chamber is looking forward to welcoming elected leaders, members, and friends to the popular Legislative Reception, all who will be available to answer your questions,” said C Ciarrocchi.
The highlight of the event will be the release of their 2021 Legislative Agenda, which outlines their advocacy priorities for 2021 and beyond.
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ICYMI:Dr. Tammy Mann Named Business Leader of the Year by Alexandria Chamber of Commerce