
New Ways of Learning: Education During the Pandemic

As schools re-open for the 2020-2021 academic year, uncertainty remains around the coronavirus and the projected timeline for a vaccine.

(Photos courtesy of Agenda: Alexandria)

By Ricardo Alfaro

Alexandria, VA – The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted Alexandria’s education system and created many challenges for schools and families. As schools re-open for the 2020-2021 academic year, uncertainty remains around the coronavirus and the projected timeline for a vaccine. We are all faced with difficult decisions going into the school year.

Alexandria City Public Schools has decided to start the school year with a virtual education model. Some private schools, including The Basilica School of Saint Mary, will continue with on-campus education.

There are many questions about both of these approaches, including:

· What are the challenges and risks associated with virtual learning versus on-campus education?

· Are there sufficient resources to educate our community?

· How is the current education environment going to impact children and teenagers in the long run?

On September 21, Agenda: Alexandria will host a virtual panel discussion entitled, “Education during the Pandemic,” to explore these questions and other topics around education during COVID-19. Panelists are:

· Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr., Superintendent of ACPS

· Daniel Cinalli, Principal at The Basilica School of Saint Mary

· Bridgette Adu-Wadier, senior at T.C. Williams High School

ACPS Superintendent Dr. Gregory Hutchings
(Photos courtesy of Agenda: Alexandria)
T.C. Williams senior Bridgette Adu-Wadier
(Photos courtesy of Agenda: Alexandria)

Join Agenda: Alexandria for a livestream session on Monday, September 21, at 12:00 p.m. to engage and learn about this important topic in our community. Please note that speakers are subject to change. To register and get the latest updates, visit

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