Receive Your Stimulus Check? DCHS Encourages Residents to Determine Eligibility

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Economic Impact Payments (EIP), more commonly known as stimulus checks, are important and helpful to many people at this time. Did you know that you may be eligible for an EIP even if you haven’t filed taxes?
Alexandria’s Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) wants to make sure that all residents who may be eligible for EIPs determine their eligibility. The deadline to apply for the payment, which is part of the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act, is October 15.
DCHS said in a press release that “most people who regularly file a tax return or receive federally administered assistance, like social security, were automatically sent their checks, but several million people have no tax filing obligation because they make too little income to file federal taxes.”
People who have yet to receive an EIP could also include those who have state and federal cash assistance benefits, are signed up for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, participate in Medicaid, or are homeless.
This helpful webpege has answers to questions about eligibility in five different languages.
People who do not have to file taxes can visit this IRS wepage and enter the requested information to receive their checks quickly.
Missing the October 15 deadline does not exclude people from a stimulus check. It is possible to file a 2020 tax return to receive the payment next year.
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