Carucci Continues Unique Approach in Her Battle
In Martha Carucci's recent work, Sobrietease 2 - Make It a Double, she uses provocative words and humor to capture readers' attention and make her points. Read the review on her newest work!

Alexandria, VA – Review: Sobrietease 2 Make It A Double
Author: Martha Carucci
Publisher: Mascot Books
Reviewed by: Ralph Peluso, Literary Editor
Zebra Rating – 5 Stripes
Martha Carucci can give the exact count of her number of days sober. She gladly tells you she took on this very serious disease head on, out in the open. If telling her story in a brash way inspires others to defeat this killer of families, relationships, and people, great.
In her recent work, Sobrietease 2 – Make It a Double, using the title as a hint, she uses provocative words and humor to capture readers’ attention and make her points. Generally combining laughter with alcoholism is off-limits. Martha tells you straight away, “I can either go forward with more tears or laughter, I choose laughter.”
Sobrietease 2 continues the compilation of blog posts detailing her difficult sober firsts and tricky situations. Here are a few of my favorites:
“End of the Affair” did not disclose a salacious account of a transgression. She likened the pull of her addiction to a tawdry lover. The love affair and seductive lover was alcohol. As with wonton paramours, memories linger long after the flame is extinguished.
In the chapter “Float Like a Butter Fly Sting Like a Bee,” Martha tells of her serendipitous meeting of the great Muhammed Ali. The story is charming and in the end, Ali plants a kiss on her cheek. While not directly related to her battle, it is an upbeat recollection.
As with all recovering alcoholics, Martha faces a perpetual daily battle. The author talks openly about this journey to sobriety. Things that come naturally for most of us are awkward for those afflicted with this disease. Especially when a drink is offered. New sober firsts abound: the first time at a party, trick or treating, birthdays, and of course, holiday celebrations. Carucci talks about taking on such circumstances boldly.
Carucci, her husband, and three children live in Alexandria. Martha is grateful for their unwavering support. She is an accomplished author, a blogger, and currently the executive director for the National Breast Center Foundation. She studied at the University of Pennsylvania, Georgetown, and Harvard.
Sobrietease 2 is a must-own self-help book that will inspire all who are fighting this silent disease that affects an estimated 35 million Americans. Martha closes her work with her Sobrietease Manifesto, a compendium of hard-hitting statements that everyone can apply like, “There is no problem that a drink does not make worse.” Zebra Stripes a solid 5.