Virtual Events and More Planned for G.W. Birthday Celebration

ALEXANDRIA, VA-This year marks the 289th anniversary of George Washington’s birth. Next month, his adopted hometown will introduce new and virtual events to celebrate. Unfortunately, because of the novel coronavirus pandemic, the annual parade has been canceled. But there are still exciting events planned for residents to enjoy.
The summaries below come from Visit Alexandria’s official birthday website. Want to learn more and donate to the festivities? Simply visit
The 13th Annual “Cherry Challenge” – Throughout February 2021
In honor of George Washington’s birthday, participating Alexandria restaurants will create unique, cherry-centric dishes in celebration of one of the most cherished legends surrounding our first president. Each restaurant will develop its own cherry cocktail, appetizer, entrée, and/or dessert, in honor of our distinguished native son. The competing restaurants and their entries will be listed on Patrons can digitally rate their favorite dishes and winners will be announced on the website and Facebook page.
American Legion Post 24’s “Run, Walk, n’ Roll” – Throughout February 2021; register by January 31, 2021
This George Washington Birthday Commemorative event is intended to build community and enhance the physical, mental, and emotional resiliency of participants—veterans and non-veterans alike. This month-long event during February 2021 encourages participants to run, walk and/or roll on their own for at least 24 miles in increments and on routes they choose. Registration is $24 and open until Jan 31, 2021.
“Hunt for Washington” – Throughout February 2021
“Hunt for Washington” is a fun and challenging game to uncover clues about Alexandria and George Washington. The hunt, which should take about 60-90 minutes to complete, will take you to places in Old Town Alexandria associated with the General. Start by printing a clue sheet at home and bring it with you as you traverse the heart of Old Town and then use your sleuthing skills to find answers to the clues. By February 28, submit your findings to [email protected]. There are prizes and mementos associated with this event. FREE!
“The Great Theater of Action: The Life of George Washington in Four Acts”: Virtual – Every Friday in February (5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th) at 7 p.m.
Join George Washington every Friday in February as he discusses various periods of his life and engages the audience. The first week will be about his youth; the second week will delve into the American War for Independence; the third week will cover his post-war retirement at Mount Vernon and his time presiding over the Constitutional Convention and the last installment will cover his presidency and final retirement years. $20 admission per event or $60 for admission for all events.
Christ Church Churchyard Tours – Every Saturday in February (6th, 13th, 20th & 27th) from 12 to 2 p.m.
George Washington’s church has one of the oldest graveyards in Alexandria, dating back to 1766. Hear from Christ Church docents about the churchyard’s unique history, Washington’s connection with Christ Church and other presidents who worshipped there. 15-minute tours will be given every Saturday in February (6th, 13th, 20th & 27th) from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. FREE!
“George Washington’s Alexandria” Tours – Every Sunday in February (7th, 14th, 21st & 28th) from 2 to 3:30 p.m.
Explore historic Old Town Alexandria as George Washington knew it! This 90-minute guided walking tour will visit sites associated with Washington and his closest colleagues, including John Fitzgerald’s warehouse, Captain’s Row, Gentry Row, the Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary shop, Ramsay House, Market Square, the Carlyle House, Wise’s Tavern, Duvall Tavern, Gadsby’s Tavern and George Washington’s town house. The tour begins behind the Torpedo Factory’s south entrance andin front of Vola’s Dockside Grill at 101 N. Union Street. Physical distancing, masks and reservations required. Reserve your slot on Facebook or Eventbrite at WashingtonBirthdayEvents.
Birthnight Banquet & Ball: Virtual – February 13, 2021 at 7 p.m.
You are invited to a virtual re-creation of the famous celebration of Washington’s birthnight (birthday) held annually at Gadsby’s Tavern Museum. We look forward to sharing all the most important parts of the event – General Washington, a banquet and a ball. For more information and to purchase tickets, go to
Q & A with Officers of the First Virginia Regiment and an Officer of the Opposing Force: Virtual – February 14, 2021 at 2 p.m.
Company officers of the First Virginia Regiment of the Continental Line, under a flag of truce, will meet with the loyal opposition to take questions from the audience on the War for Independence. Questions can be asked relating to their uniforms and accoutrements, how the troops are formed up and move about the battlefield as well as other questions related to American war. Please attend this webinar to have fun and learn about history of the time!
Visit for virtual link information. $5 admission.
Wreath Laying Ceremony to honor the Soldiers of the American Revolution – February 15, 2021 at 11 a.m.
Join the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Sons of the American Revolution as they honor the soldiers of the Revolution. For location information, please visit FREE!
George Washington National Birthday Celebration: Virtual – February 22, 2021 at 7 p.m.
Join Americans across the nation to celebrate Washington’s 289th birthday with a special virtual birthday party hosted by Mount Vernon. In February, patriots from across the country will gather in the comfort of their own homes to salute General Washington with an online program featuring performances and stories from actors, musicians, and historians. A highlight of the celebration includes a birthday toast to General Washington. $5 recommended donation. For more information and to purchase tickets, go to
George Washington Birthday events and tours are organized by the George Washington Birthday Celebration Committee of the City of Alexandria, Virginia in cooperation with local historic sites and organizations.
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