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Garden-Themed Walking Tour Through Old Town Alexandria April 17

Photo courtesy Ruth Gates Brightbill

ALEXANDRIA, VA-On Saturday, April 17, visitors are welcome to participate in a tour of beautiful gardens and exteriors in Old Town as part of Virginia’s Historic Garden Week. The self-guided tour, envisioned as “A Springtime Stroll: Doorways of Our Past and Future,” will feature historic sites and more than a dozen homes.

Four historical properties will be highlighted: the Lee-Fendall House garden, the Ramsay
House garden, the Athenaeum garden and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Along the route, sites will be decorated with wreaths, window boxes, and planters created by members of the event’s sponsors: Garden Club of Alexandria and Hunting Creek Garden Club.

The tour will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m, off.ering exterior views only. Tickets can be purchased at  Cost is $25 each for morning (10 a.m.) or afternoon (1 p.m.) entry.

Photo courtesy Ruth Gates Brightbill

Ticket holders will have exclusive access, on April 17, to the Lee-Fendall House garden,
where experts will be on hand to discuss native and medicinal plants. A plant sale will be held. There will also be special access to the Athenaeum, which visitors will find decorated for a luncheon.

From April 17 to 24, people who have purchased tickets will be admitted to the grounds of the Mount Vernon Estate for free. Discounted rates will be offered for touring the interior. Gunston Hall is offering a similar deal that week. There will be a discount available for touring the property, including the mansion and museum.

Photo courtesy Ruth Gates Brightbill

Ticket sales close on April 16 or upon sellout. Event will be held rain or shine. Visitors are required to wear a mask and follow up-to-date health and safety guidelines. Organizers have planned the event to comply with social-distancing mandates.

It is made possible through the generous support of McEnearney Associates. Proceeds fund the restoration and preservation of more than 40 of Virginia’s historic public gardens and landscapes, a research fellowship program, and a Garden Club of Virginia Centennial project with Virginia State Parks.

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