City of Alexandria Begins Implementation of Flood Mitigation Program

ALEXANDRIA, VA-The City of Alexandria has started to implement a flood mitigation program called Flood Action Alexandria. The goal is to address flooding issues in the city. And program leaders plan to utilize the input of residents and businesses so that it can be most effective.
Flood Action Alexandria combines existing and new flood mitigation and stormwater management projects. The comprehensive program expedites infrastructure improvements (through projects like the Sanitary Sewer Asset Renewal Program); expands flood early warning systems and signage; implements a flood mitigation pilot program to provide matching grants to property owners who install flood-proofing measures; and increases maintenance capacity, while increasing community outreach and engagement.
Residents and property owners can get involved through a City Council-appointed Ad-Hoc Stormwater Utility and Flood Mitigation Advisory Group. The group, which is seeking nominations, will review and advise flood mitigation activities, monitor and measure progress of the city’s proposed flood mitigation efforts, receive and distribute information on the city’s flood mitigation implementation efforts, and review and provide recommendations on proposed Stormwater Utility operating and capital budgets.
Information and updates on the progress of the flood mitigation program will be available on the Flood Action Alexandria website and via subscription to Flood Action Alexandria eNews.