Community NewsSeniors

Calling All Alexandrians 100 Years of Age and Older for Special Celebration

Alexandria is celebrating its cententarians! (Photo: LuckyDesigns for istockphoto licensed to The Zebra Press)
Alexandria is celebrating its cententarians! (Photo: LuckyDesigns for istockphoto licensed to The Zebra Press)

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Do you know any Alexandrians who are 100 or more? The City of Alexandria, in collaboration with the Successful Aging Committee, will celebrate National Centenarian Day by honoring the experiences and achievements of Alexandrians who have lived a century or longer.

At the September 28 City Council meeting, a slideshow presentation will recognize residents who will be 100 years old or older by December 31. Alexandria centenarians who choose to participate in the presentation will receive a certificate honoring their lifetime experiences and achievements and a recognition coin. To participate or submit a nomination, complete an application and social history form by July 30. 

The City will celebrate Alexandria residents who are among the estimated 100,322 centenarians living in the United States. Centenarian Day is an opportunity to celebrate Alexandrians’ resilience and life experiences.

IN THE NEWS: Alexandria Hosting Around the World Food Festival July 31

Mary Wadland

Mary Wadland is the Publisher and Editor in Chief of The Zebra Press, founded by her in 2010. Originally from Delray Beach, Florida, Mary is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Hollins College in Roanoke, VA and has lived and worked in the Alexandria publishing community since 1987.

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