At Sept. 13 Ceremony, 25 Will Become Naturalized Citizens in Market Square

ALEXANDRIA, VA – As part of its celebration of Citizenship Day on Tuesday, Sept. 13, Alexandria will host a ceremony in Market Square making 25 individuals U.S. citizens. During the ceremony, scheduled to start at 1 p.m., the candidates (from 24 countries) will take the Oath of Allegiance from a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services official.
According to an Alexandria eNews bulletin, “[t]o become a naturalized citizen an individual must meet federal requirements, including a period of continuous residence and physical presence in the United States; ability to read, write and speak English; knowledge and understanding of United States history and government; good moral character; and attachment to constitutional principles.”
Citizenship Day, known formally as Constitution Day, recognizes the birth of the Constitution in September of 1787. The document was adopted by Congress in June 1788 “when New Hamphire became the ninth state to ratify,” wrote Louis Gentilucci of the National Constitution Center.
In the event of rain, the ceremony will take place in Council Chambers on the seconf floor of City Hall (301 King St).
Citizenship Day is recognized by the federal government on Sept. 17.
Help Improve the Health of Alexandria Streams at Sept.10 Workshop