Press ReleaseVolunteering

Volunteer Alexandria Hosting Toy Drive for the Holidays

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ALEXANDRIA, VA – Every year, Volunteer Alexandria hosts a toy drive benefitting hundreds of children across the city.  Interested in supporting this effort?

The toys will go to families part of the Fund for Alexandria’s Child, the Domestic Violence Program, and ARHA. You are invited to help collect toys, games and books for families in need. It’s easy – just complete the short survey – by November 10.

This pandemic is not over for many of the families need YOUR help.  Businesses, congregations, apartment buildings, schools, other groups, and numerous individuals young and older can participate by organizing holiday parties, set up a toy collection bin, donate money to help us putting this all together, get friends and families involved, and volunteer.  

Their goal is to serve ALL children of the ages 0-4 years old this year and I’m sure we will reach it because of people like you! It’s easy – just complete the short surveyEveryone will be recognized on our website and all public collection sites will be added to a flyer that will be distributed throughout the community. Great publicity for a small investment! All participating groups will receive an electronic version of the flyer and poster, which includes a list of suggested items.

The drive starts Nov. 15th and will end on Dec. 15th. Volunteers will then pick up the toys from participating parties, sort, count, pack, and hand them to each family on Dec. 16th and 17th.

Please consider being a sponsor to make this all happen! A six-week event takes time, resources, and money.

Donate money to help run this show

Become a Sponsor

Collect/Donate Toys bring smiles to children’s faces (We need to know by Nov. 10)

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