Jones Point in Alexandria Hosts DC Triathlon Club

By Ed Moser
ALEXANDRIA, VA – Jones Point in Alexandria played host to the DC Triathlon Club Aug. 27. The group held a “bricnic” at the site. A bricnic is two consecutive workouts such as a swim or a brike ride. At the end, a person’s legs feel like bricks. Then all the participants enjoy a picnic. Hence the name.
The DC Triathlon Club is the Mid-Atlantic’s largest. If you’ve never seen a triathlon, it is the sport where people do one activity – swimming, biking, running – immediately followed by another.
Many members began the Sunday bricnic with a swim at National Harbor, hosted by WaveOne Swimming, organizer of the annual swim across the Potomac River known as Washington’s Crossing. After the swim, members biked or ran across the Wilson Bridge to Jones Point. And if they still had energy, they ran or biked more.

The Club has a large Northern Virginia contingent. Many members live in Alexandria. In fact, it is dubbed the NOVA branch. Chinquapin Rec Center and the Old Town Pool are favorite swim spots. The group also uses the Mt. Vernon Trail for running and biking.
The underside of the Wilson Bridge is a popular place for sporting events like basketball and fencing. [SEE ALSO: Alexandria Community Rowing Names New Boat in Honor of Dedicated Volunteer]