Looking to Help? Check Alexandria’s Volunteer Hotlist for January 2024

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Do you want to volunteer in Alexandria but are not sure how to begin or where you will fit in best? Check out these current volunteer opportunities, compiled by Volunteer Alexandria (VolALX).
Volunteer Opportunities:
Perform Service on MLK Day — Find a service project or listen and learn session during the MLK Day weekend at Volunteer Alexandria’s MLK Day of Service page. The webpage is a running list of projects and activities that people can get involved in.
Wednesday, January 17: Become a Volunteer Lead during Emergencies — Volunteer Alexandria will be hosting an information session for people interested in becoming volunteer leads during an emergency.
Assist Non-English Speakers with Tax Filing — Community Tax Aid, an organization that provides free tax filing and counseling for qualified individuals and families, is seeking bi-lingual client navigators to assist Spanish, Mandarin, or Amharic speakers with their taxes.
Tutor Students after school — Yougins In Progress is looking for tutors for underclassmen boys at Alexandria City High School. Volunteers must complete a background check with Alexandria City Public Schools.
Be a Board Member for the Child & Family Network Center — The Child & Family Network Center is seeking a board member to help guide the organization’s strategic plan, governance, financial stewardship, development, and future.
Deliver Groceries to Seniors — Deliver groceries every other week to homebound people. Senior Services of Alexandria will provide a grocery list and instructions. Background check required.
Mentor a Small Group of Girls — The Spitfire Club is seeking individuals who can empower girls, convey a love for reading, and build an inclusive community, to mentor a small group of 4th and 5th grade girls after school.
Skills Connect Projects (Visit https://www.volunteeralexandria.org/skillsconnect/volunteers to sign up use your skills to help an agency with a short-term project).
Youth and Family Volunteer Opportunities – for ages 6 to 18. Visit www.volunteeralexandria.org/youthandfamily.