Inaugural Native Garden Tour & Open House Debuts May 4 in Mt. Vernon

By Marlene Miller
Alexandria, VA – When Dan Storck first took office in 2015 as Mount Vernon District Supervisor, he immediately noticed the “barren, unattractive and uninviting lawn” surrounding the Governmental Center on Parkers Lane and took action to improve it.
That took a while, but this year Storck is holding the first Mount Vernon Governmental Center Native Garden Tour & Open House on Saturday, May 4, from 10 am to 2 pm, to celebrate the results.
Stock asked for this free event “as we get requests and inquiries from the community as to what we did and why,” explained Camela Speer, Storck’s Director of Communications. “It is a great opportunity to educate the community on the importance of native plants to our on site and the need for improved stormwater management, the Stormwater Planning Division expanded these gardens with additional native perennials, shrubs, and trees in 2022.
In addition to the ornamental gardens at the building entrances, the Stormwater Planning Department retrofitted several bioretention facilities around the Governmental Center to increase stormwater retention. This includes enhanced wetland detention ponds planted with native plants. The gardens highlight the aesthetic, habitat, and functional value of natural landscaping.”
The public can visit the gardens at any time on their own and enjoy the beauty, birds, butterflies, and native bees the plantings attract.
At the May 2 Open House, visitors can learn about natural landscaping opportunities, connect with local native plant organizations, and study native plant gardening and maintenance approaches firsthand.
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