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One In Three Children In Our Community Do Not Have Enough Positive Adults In Their Lives

(All photos courtesy of VolALX)

By Marion Brunken

Alexandria, VA – VolALX inspires, mobilizes, and connects people to causes, and this month, we would like to highlight mentoring opportunities. Mentoring a child/youth is important because one in three children in our community do not have enough positive adults in their lives.

Mentorship can build social and emotional support, confidence and resilience, and help ensure young people are college and career ready.

The City formed the Alexandria Mentoring Partnership (AMP) in 2006 to address the need to strengthen youth. AMP comprises a variety of local mentoring programs with the shared mission of ensuring that quality mentors and mentoring programs are available for Alexandria’s youth and young adults in need of an additional caring adult in their lives. With guidance and resources from the MENTOR National, AMP works to maximize mentor recruitment, screening, and training, to ensure best practice programs. AMP is currently seeking dedicated, caring, enthusiastic adults to serve the youth of Alexandria. No prior experience is required; extensive training is provided on how to be an effective mentor.

If you are interested in mentoring a child for at least one hour a week, contact the AMP Coordinator David Ulloa at 703.403.4218 or [email protected].

Part of AMP is the Space of Her Own (SOHO), which officially kicked off mentor recruitment for the 2024-2025 school year! The info session will be held at the Lee Recreation Center from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on August 6, 7, 13, & 14. It will cover program structure, mentor expectations and commitment, application instructions, and more. Please visit bit.ly/SOHOmentor2024 to register!

All prospective mentors must attend an info session to become a SOHO mentor. If you are not available to attend one of our scheduled info sessions, or have any questions, please email: [email protected] and [email protected].

Did you know?

Mentoring is proven to decrease the risk factors associated with crime, substance abuse, teen pregnancy, poor school performance and gang affiliation.

Engagement Opportunities

Register at VounteerAlexandria.org

12 -19 years old

Service-Learning: This FREE program is for youth and focuses on community engagement. Participants will learn more about social issues facing Alexandrians and how nonprofits address these issues, while earning direct service hours and service-learning hours. Saturday, August 10 (10-1 p.m.).

Three-Day Programs for students interested in learning about several issues and volunteering all three days.

Tuesday, July 30 – Thursday, August 1 for Middle School Students

Tuesday, August 13 – 15 for High School Students

Saturday, August 10, Volunteer at Back to School Day — Help provide school supplies to 1,000 youth at UNCUT Youth’s Back to School Community Day. Volunteers will set up, oversee games and activities, and breakdown at the end of the day.

Mentor Students After School with ALX Soccer — Mentor elementary or middle school students after school with Alexandria Soccer’s Access4All program. Volunteers will work with up to 15 students and guide them through activities and games—no soccer experience required.

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